sweet, yeah, thanks for the advice.I was thinking about using mutate to change fast shot or finesse, but really i wanted to change both so I don't know. You are not supposed to have more than one char right? I was thinking about starting a new one and playing around with this one but I don't know, will i get banned or something for that?
Thanks again,So what is the deal with "rebooting" or whatever its called? Does this game do that where everyone starts over and when will that happen again?
so how does the aim deal work?I went to setup and changed "aim for eyes" to "a" (removed alt and ctrl), and in the upper left corner it says "aimed: the eyes"but it still makes me manually aim each time. what am i doing wrong?
no, the percentage depends on where you're aiming for. -60% in eyes,-40% in head , - 30% groin and hands, -20% legs.you have to calculate it by youreself.
I saw a thing somewhere that said you should use mercenaries to guard your tent, does this mean that its possibel for other people to find your tent?