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Author Topic: A Question on my Character Build  (Read 2243 times)

A Question on my Character Build
« on: January 29, 2011, 12:56:13 am »


I am relatively new to the whole Fallout: 2238 experience, and while I have died several times and have gotten very frustrated with the game at times, I am pleased to say that the rewards of playing have outweighed the trials, and I am happily continuing on my journey through the wasteland.

That said, I wanted to ask a couple questions about Character Builds, namely my own character build. My statistics are as follows:

S- 5
P- 5
E- 6
C- 5
I- 10
A- 5
L- 5

Optional Trait: Small Frame

Tag Skills: Small Guns

Currently, I am well on my way through Level 5 and have bought the Gunsmith 1 profession.

I wanted to know, however, whether or not this build would work for a -mostly peaceful- merchant character. My main goal in the game is to become proficient at weapon making and become a proficient smith. So far, my Small Guns, Repair, and Science skills are all about 110%.

Is this build good for what I want to do? Is there a better build for a player like me? I would greatly appreciate any help and or advice on character creation and how to proceed leveling.

Thank you for reading and hopefully for providing advice.


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Re: A Question on my Character Build
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2011, 03:05:26 am »

Well, you could improve your build in many ways in my opinion:
CH 5 = CH 3 is enough to talk to all NPC's, you can just lead bigger groups with CH 5.
AG 5 = You get same amount of action points with AG 4, I would have chosen AG 4 or 6 or even higher. You will need AG 7 for Gunsmith SG 3.
LK 5 = Many good perks need LK 6, so you will loose many good perks because of this.

Your traits and tagged skills looks fine for a crafter.

Maybe you will find some useful info here:

Also some useful pages from the wiki:
Re: A Question on my Character Build
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2011, 06:53:53 am »

Yea lower Charisma to 3, agi up 1 and luck up 1, Talking to npc's is quite useful if you dont have a faction and you can still have 1 slave you could tell to mine for you which would make crafting easier, when the time comes to take sg 3 you could then pop a nuka cola to take it.


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Re: A Question on my Character Build
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2011, 07:57:06 pm »

Well if you are pumping up your repair too, you might be happy with just SG2 + Armorer 2, also, your peaceful merchant might not like the benefits of joining the raiders to learn SG3 in a roleplaying sense (although you can quit Raiders and get some of your rep back).
Re: A Question on my Character Build
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2011, 08:03:03 pm »

Considering what I want to do in-game, would I be able to stay successful with this character build? I should also mention that I have the Small Frame Trait.


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Re: A Question on my Character Build
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2011, 11:28:45 pm »

Of course you can play successfully with it. You could have done the build a bit better here or there, but i see nothing
thats really crap. With the high INT you can also boost Outdoors and First aid to a high %, which helps alot.

With your 5 Charisma you could even think about getting the slaver perk (even if thats not real merchant like^^)
and get yourself a pair of slaves. They are useful not only as cheap guards, you can let the mine ores and minerals too.

Re: A Question on my Character Build
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2011, 11:43:22 pm »

Of course you can play successfully with it. You could have done the build a bit better here or there, but i see nothing
thats really crap. With the high INT you can also boost Outdoors and First aid to a high %, which helps alot.

With your 5 Charisma you could even think about getting the slaver perk (even if thats not real merchant like^^)
and get yourself a pair of slaves. They are useful not only as cheap guards, you can let the mine ores and minerals too.

Of course you can play successfully with it. You could have done the build a bit better here or there, but i see nothing
thats really crap. With the high INT you can also boost Outdoors and First aid to a high %, which helps alot.

With your 5 Charisma you could even think about getting the slaver perk (even if thats not real merchant like^^)
and get yourself a pair of slaves. They are useful not only as cheap guards, you can let the mine ores and minerals too.

Thanks; I'll stick with this one then. Out of curiosity, will the Slaver perk negatively affect my karma/reputation too much?


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Re: A Question on my Character Build
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2011, 01:02:38 am »

Thanks; I'll stick with this one then. Out of curiosity, will the Slaver perk negatively affect my karma/reputation too much?
just go down a little it will tell you with who and how much.
Roaming the waste again.
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