After wasting about 2 hours, I've got the inventory working, though I still can't see the HP indicator. It looks like the problem is in Numbers.bmp and the BigNumbers.bmp. the Any clues on that?
Yeah, thats the reason why the new font is included in my download. The "Numbers.png" & "Numbers.fofnt".
Problem is, I missed to mention that you have to delete the Old "Numbers.bmp" & "Numbers.fnt0" in \FOnline\Data\fonts.
P.S. To save your time, I'll give our the file, with those 3 lines, that you have to replace, to make the inventory work. All you have to do, is to replace the existing default.ini file, with this one.
Pure Evil Interface v13 and v11 have diferent ini settings. You can't use one ini file for both versions.
Maybe you didn't read that you have to edit the "faction.ini" in FOnline\Data\Art\intrface. Not the "default.ini". At least in FOnline 2238. ^^
I will Update my post. Sorry for the trouble. I'm new to this, so I hope you can forgive me.
/Edit: Okay, I added
Install Infos to my first post. Please read!
If you notice any Problems or I again missed something, please let me know about it. Thanks.