It's hard to move on the nort-west edge of the map.
Sure, it requires some zooming, but nothing impossible. However you can limit map edge if you wish to.
Open faction.ini, scroll it to almost end. Then find lines responsible for you resolution. For example for 1280x800 it will be:
# Changes for resolutions 1280x800
resolution 1280 800
GmapMap=0 0 1280 800
LogMainPic=menu 1280 800.jpg
LogMain=0 0 1280 800
LogMessageBox=10 480 300 795
GmapMap=0 0 1280 800 with
GmapMap=134 134 1280 800 On the barter screen I sometimes can't drag and drop the items I want and they go back to the owners inventory.
I had no such problems... Seems all o'k with slots coords.
Working on some buttons. "Rust" seems to be out of place, so it will be like this (hope I will not
distroy the beauty

) :