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Do you want me to elaborate on the Creds for Tech programme?

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Author Topic: Brotherhood of Steel Improvements (PA, Quests, Ranks and such)  (Read 3585 times)


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The Brotherhood is here, where are you?

Practically speaking, the main concern of mine is the lack of (or nonexistence) of actual faction missions, the player-driven factions already have so much attention, and the larger, more organised gangs (the ones who do town control) already have so much, in fact, for them the wasteland is a wonderland filled with unlimited resources, they have so much gear that they can give a set to every newb they meet and then brutalise him, and then leave the gear lying around in the "wastes". So, what if these gangs would be unable to achieve the peak of American engineering, but instead have an NPC-Driven faction keep these suits of plate armour, suits of plate armour which will make most FOnliners want to kill for them, i'm talking about The T51b Powered Armour, for this not to be used by the gangs there has to be a way to limit the number of Power Armour out at one time, but is there it really that overpowered? All there would need to be added would be the horrid Fallout 3 perk of Power Armour Training, a perk which is a completely horrible idea in a single-player game, but which shines in the MMO genre.

As I read the ranks description found at the bottom of the page I have a brand new idea, a brand new ranking system, completely independent of the others, one that uses the western caste system, but which has a more varied rank number, however, you only get to choose the caste you wish to belong to once you reach the squire rank. from then on you choose on what you want to focus on in the faction, however, most BOS members will have at the least an ability to handle a weapon with an accurate hand, more on this to come, but weapon skill upgrades much like the ones you can get from the gunrunners will allow crafters to sprout into formidable fighters.

Note: More to come, keep your head in the topic, if you are interested, that is, and please, no flaming. If you hate the idea, post somewhere else your dislikes, however, if you can improve the idea, you're more than welcome to contribute, if the devs will listen to the finished product, and think it is worth pursuing, we will have some actual organised PvE

As I started designing a suggestion change in the BOS Faction, Power Armours thread, I started seeing that there was so much I would change in it, and many of the options that were suggested pointed to limited numbers of them, as I read the thread I noticed that nobody wanted to improve the NPC faction in itself.

Note: Please read the posts I made so you can get a picture of what i'm suggesting, since I am in a rush and can't really be bothered to reformulate them because Real Life calls (you might have heard of it, or you might not(and please don't comment of the minor spelling flaws, since as I said before, I'm in a rush)

Here are my posts from the previous topic:

Number 1:
or we could add a perk called power armour training, of course this would be earned when you get a high rank in the brotherhod of steel, and you can only take out your power armour when you have that perk (1 PA per BOS member, and it has to be handed in for maintenance every week(real time, not ingame time, would be f*cking ridiculous...)), to get the power armour training you would have to obviously be a member of the BOS, and if a ranking system is introduced you'd only be given the training at the knight commander rank, but to rank up you'd need to do different missions, all from clearing raiders from a town to rediscovering some ancient tech, all the way to salvaging an alien starship power core.

Edit: I'm pretty much basing the ranking system on the midwestern one, since that is the most detailed one.

Number 2:
As I said, being an initiate would pretty much send you out on excersize drills, more or less taking out a small base of raiders because they have some serious tech on their side, also some initiate task could be to kill a wanamingo/deathclaw for analysing it and such shit, maybe to be able to make further improvements to the armour the BOS has. With the 3D models the BOS crest could be displayed on the member's armour, as well as pyjamas, however, killing someone without a reason (ex of just kill: shit, that guy is carrying an LSW, the armoury could use one more of those)  (ex of unjust kill "pwnage" : hey, that's a guy with a 10mm pistol, his ammo could be useful, i'll just blast him with my minigun, several times) would end up with you being demoted back to the squire rank, thus removing the perk, and the NPCs in the bunker telling you to put your PA in "The Box", in other words, you lose you PA FOREVER if you do dipshit stuff.

Number 3:
nah, i never said that, what i suggested was to join the BOS, do PvE missions (call em quests if you like) with other people of your ranking, when you reach the squire rank you get a small dorm (1 container, 1 bed, 1 Records Computer where you can write log entries, pretty much like a holodisk), as you progress through the ranks you gain more and more rep with BOS, and ar the "Armourer/Weaponsmaster/Keeper of the Armoury (aka "the man")" you can gain "BOS credits", since caps are of no real value to the BOS, and never have been really (except for fallout f*cking 3) the credits could do as a currency in the BOS, to gain these creds you submit tech to the "man" ranging from electronic parts to gauss rifles and vindicators , each item would give you a certain ammount of creds, but never more than the item's worth in caps, and there is a fixed limit a person can "donate" to the armoury.

Note: I'm basing these values per rank in the BOS, therefore once you have reached the highest rank you'll be able to submit a fuckload of creds, if you want to.

PS: I'm Bored

Electronic part: 0.01 creds/each Limit: 2000, so 20 creds max from this
Laser Pistol: 1 cred/each Limit: 40
Laser Rifle/Ext Cap.: 5 creds/each Limit: 20

And I shall update this Items/Creds list if you want me to elaborate.

PA: Cost: 1k creds, 1st one is free, you have to give it into maintenance every reallife weak, if you lose it then it's just too bad for you since you'll be lvl 21 by the time you can promote to Knight-Commander.
BOS CA: 150 Creds

Number 4.

as I said, you should lose the ability to wear power armour once you leave the BOS, and you shouldn't be able to be added to any base except a bunker,and since there will not be a need for more PA than necessary because ONLY high ranking BOS members can wear it, the worst one can expect form the "raider" factions would be that the dismantling the armour, if it is implemented like this you are forced to not be a dick, making everyone who aren't dicks able to wear PA, there will still be player-driven factions, but they will have to do without PA, the logic is flawless.

Number 5

Power armors are overpowered so if you gave PA to BoS you should give gauss rifle to bandits (at high rank) or/ and to vault city some doctor things, to Enclave |YK pulse rifle and now game will be like killkillkill :) So idea with PA is god but it is to dificult to implement it without any problems like : some big faction will get all pa and game will be f*cked up so if you gave it it must be refueld it must have bad restistance for sth and others (like plasma or electricity or explosions)
nope, since the whole assholy shit will be gone if you want one, and as I said, the perk (PA training) is removed once you leave the faction, therefore all the big gangs will not be able to wear PA, and since this is a beta, one could test this and then maybe give raiders the H&K G11. The enclave should be able to get PA training as well, but will have to take the actual armour from the corpse of a BOS member, personally speaking the Pulse Rifle is totally overpowered when it comes to using it on players...

Number 6

as I said, you get BOS creds for doing stuff for em and submitting tech, and in the end maybe 1k BOS creds for a brand new PA would be a bit too much, maybe 500 creds for a brand new one, they can use the keycard inventory icon, to represent a credit card, however, the weight of it is 0 and you get "funds" added to it as you go along (just like caps, but for BOS). And By the time you reach knight commander rank you could afford several of em, however, you need to give it in for a 10 minute maintenance every week, so, if you don't submit your armour for that maintenance you have to wait one more week to get it repaired by let's say 40% deterioration, adding on that, you can never get a sucessful maintenance for a PA no matter your repair skill, this will help to a certain extent against having a repair alt.

A great suggestion, which may add some spice not to just the BOS, but to ALL NPC factions:
Maybe instead, every NPC faction would have it's own territory, that players could use their unique equipment on. FE. a box of 5x5 on the world map around the Lost Hills bunker would be the territory on which BOS factioned players could use their PA on(naturally, power armor would be the unique armor for BoS - the equivalent for Raiders would be a gun, fe. H&K G11E). After leaving such an area of a faction's influence, leaving a faction or the player not being of sufficient rank, the item would be reduced to some kind of unusable junk(like, a broken Gauss Rifle) only to become repaired for a small amount of cash inside BoS.

That would encourage players of an NPC faction to patrol their territory, in hope that the unique weaponry they own might be just the edge over unsuspecting players that decided to take a more dangerous route through a faction's territory. This, yet again opens many possibilities - fe. NPC factions fighting for World Map squares to expand their land, so players can benefit more from one faction at a certain time than the other, battles for the hideouts of said factions, a new source of aquiring high-level items, perhaps even balancing out the problem with sources of income(Currently, there are only two good ways of getting good money: crafting and town control).

Oh, I forgot to add. Players in the same NPC faction would act as a team, therefore, after killing a faction-mate the victim would have go to a, let's say terminal to forgive that person, since as we know, mistakes occur.

Those are just my three cents.

Although I would disagree about the BOS having that 5x5 grid, I would say that in every town with a BOS bunker the teritorry should be a 4x4 grid as a start, since the BOS are sort of the "protectors" of the wasteland (by protectors I mean, they won't cap your ass unless you have some High-Tech gear, otherwise it's just a waste of ammo)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2010, 08:46:20 pm by gordulan »
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1


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Re: Brotherhood of Steel Improvements (PA, Quests, Ranks and such)
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2010, 07:37:35 pm »

A yes from me ;) Still I would make some adjustments to it but thats just my personal feeling :P

//after reading the brotherhood of steel ranks, "the scribes develop technology, the knights build it, and the paladins use it."

 and later on: "Knights are responsible for manufacturing the weapons and other pieces of technology."

could this be a indicator to that you have to be a crafter also to climb the ranks? or will you bypass this and just go for full powerbuilds :P (I think that intelligence should be an important matter here, I don't think that they would let a man with 5 intelligence wear the best armor available)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 11:35:20 am by bikkebakke »
Gussiplurr - active


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Re: Brotherhood of Steel Improvements (PA, Quests, Ranks and such)
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2010, 11:07:38 am »

I agree with gordulans idea about creds system, whereas I dont with Glaves. There shouldnt be any range for BoS
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
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