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Author Topic: Town Control  (Read 19638 times)


  • High-Tech Troll
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Re: Town Control
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2011, 07:26:21 am »

I think both Lexx and Nice_Boat have right, even if it sounds weird.

With community we have there's hard to start an interesting event, where at least 1/3 of participants wants to troll, write "Izual fag!!11 xd" or smash random people with SMG. However not much is needed to run a fight club for example - a good spot (I miss a peaceful cellar in Boneyard), unarmed chars and few apes with guns as security. And yeah, shot down anyone who obviously doesn't want to participate. GM could jail all dumbasses, again and again, and again, it's a matter of one click and put a name into a pop-up window (transit to map -> *poof*, magic done). Even the most retarded dude will sooner or later stop coming to ruin someone's fun if his char gets jailed every time.

What I really miss in player-running-events is lack of useful GM tools, like respawning dead players, setting spawn next corner instead of somewhere on the desert, spawning items out of air (most of prizes in our events were crafted/bought/stolen/whatever, what takes time). Special thanks to Samira, she helped us many times during our noob fun.
we cant start anything becouse we cant even get a name for our projects, which are supose to be related to tc. every free gang names has taken or inappropriate.
Yeah yeah, I've heard that pathetic line already. You cannot into roleplay because you don't have "Gay Niggers From Outer Space" faction name. Lame excuse, but I can't expect a lot from an ape.
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Re: Town Control
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2011, 11:04:59 am »

Yeah yeah, I've heard that pathetic line already. You cannot into roleplay because you don't have "Gay Niggers From Outer Space" faction name. Lame excuse, but I can't expect a lot from an ape.

haha, excusme mr roleplayer - that was an attempt to offend me ? i really expected something more form a court jester.
ok, without any flame - looks like you still dont get what is all about, actually i can help you.. in polish language. i dont really want pretend to speak english, becouse i dont.
maybe you funny traveling theatre troupe can do something more then using sience or some expensive items, giving cars or organising 'fight club' for 10 players.. try organise something for 80 'pvp appes' - this is real challenge

its so fucking hilarious to read gm's / 'roleplayers' whining about community! yes its community fault! haha, why we have such community? ofcourse becouse of gameplay / mechanic a inefficient gm's. please tell me im wrong! ;)

« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 11:07:34 am by maszrum »

Doctor Eex

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Re: Town Control
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2011, 12:05:23 pm »

why we have such community? ofcourse becouse of gameplay / mechanic a inefficient gm's. please tell me im wrong! ;)

You are wrong.  ;)


  • #1 Cat's Paw Fan!
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Re: Town Control
« Reply #78 on: February 07, 2011, 12:49:46 pm »

Does making a new alt affect how your faction is perceived by other player factions? Don't think so. Then maybe it's preventing other players from recognizing who you are? Most of the time - nope, and keeping a low profile is a royal pain in the ass since it strips you out of your player-to-player reputation. And well, if you want to make life on this server miserable for you and your group - by all means, be allowed to do so. You can try creating an alt identity complete with a different IRC and forum profile later if that comes around and bites you in the ass... but I wouldn't expect people to actually try that. The point is alting works for bypassing mechanical consequences, it doesn't work for bypassing your standing with other players (in this case, FMs and GMs acting as various independent characters). In our example, killing the diplomat's daughter would work more or less like cheating in a trade transaction with another player - yeah, you get all the kicks and giggles for screwing someone over, but nobody is going to do business with you in the future and you will receive nearly universal contempt. Need a rationale for treating every alt like the character that made the crime for the narrative purposes? Call it a vendetta and treat them as a family. That's more or less how it works with the gangs anyway.
For me it sounds like basics are wrong. We need anti-alt account system. Something that would say account Account of mr. Johnny which have 3 characters and every one of them belong to one faction. If he screws something up, hes reputation as a player not a character goes down and with him whole faction looks bad. From what I heard account system is in development so... In devs we trust. I'm looking forward to this.

...try organise something for 80 'pvp appes' - this is real challenge
So bigger = better? And by orgnise You mean throw guns in and let them kill eachother?

You are wrong.  ;)
That's not enough. Write why he is. :P because I think he is at least partially right.
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Town Control
« Reply #79 on: February 07, 2011, 01:17:49 pm »

You are wrong.  ;)

No, but he's right to a large extent. There are hardcore trolls in this community, yes, but the vast majority of PvP apes would participate in a persistent, story based campaign based around faction activity. In fact, they already do - just look at all the diplomacy, alliances, propaganda, ideological explanations for some actions etc. Contrary to popular belief, a PvP ape is the most creative sort of player as he is competing against other players instead of NPCs or a predesigned rail-like story, hence he is required to jump through the highest hoops. The point is a lot of this creativity is currently wasted because there is absolutely no effort to offer those players some narrative aside from their own - a problem that would be overcome if Faction Masters and faction events chained into some sort of a campaign were introduced.

For me it sounds like basics are wrong. We need anti-alt account system. Something that would say account Account of mr. Johnny which have 3 characters and every one of them belong to one faction. If he screws something up, hes reputation as a player not a character goes down and with him whole faction looks bad. From what I heard account system is in development so... In devs we trust. I'm looking forward to this.

Well yeah, but... no ;D I mean anti-alt would be great, but stuff like FM factions and faction events can be done without it being in place. Actually in player on player interaction, aside from TC combat, alting is not a problem for the reasons mentioned above - players act on their own reputation and their own personality, not on the "reputation" of their alt.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 01:20:08 pm by Nice_Boat »


  • #1 Cat's Paw Fan!
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Re: Town Control
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2011, 01:52:45 pm »

Well yeah, but... no ;D I mean anti-alt would be great, but stuff like FM factions and faction events can be done without it being in place. Actually in player on player interaction, aside from TC combat, alting is not a problem for the reasons mentioned above - players act on their own reputation and their own personality, not on the "reputation" of their alt.
Yup! Player works for hes own but You can become another "player" just by few clicks. You can have two alts: Troll character - happy suicide bomber and Serious RPG char/Serious PvP char - which is officially used by this one certain player so we Know that Vilaz = Joggler (some trader from North) AND Vilaz = Broken (This asshole with bb gun and mauser who break bones all around wasteland). Both of them should work on Your (player) reputation not only mr.GoodGuy (RPG)/mr.Dread&Doom (PvP)

Damn... it's whole duality of FOnline (ying&yang) ...where was my point? Nah... nevermind I'm going back to books :>
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Town Control
« Reply #81 on: February 07, 2011, 03:00:13 pm »

Read the whole thread (skipped nonsense egoOT).

Boat are you sure GM is absolutely required to make players roleplay? Can't the mechanics just encourage players into such activity that even when they are powergaming to the fullest, they still look like being part of the wasteland, roleplaying without actually knowing it. You can't force players into thinking along with the fallout storyline but you can encourage them to look like they are part of it.

Setting a simple goal required for everyone would be a start. You can't get players motivated if they don't really need anything. You told that players should be rewarded with cool hightech stuff. No APA or gauss will make someone move his ass if he's not interested in pvp related stuff or even fighting, we got such players and it's not a sin to hate fighting. It's actually more credible behaviour than desiring to fight all the time.

Basically everything is explained here. It has some stuff to read but I read your texts so you owe me  8)

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


  • I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
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Re: Town Control
« Reply #82 on: February 07, 2011, 04:01:59 pm »

Read the whole thread (skipped nonsense egoOT).

Boat are you sure GM is absolutely required to make players roleplay? Can't the mechanics just encourage players into such activity that even when they are powergaming to the fullest, they still look like being part of the wasteland, roleplaying without actually knowing it. You can't force players into thinking along with the fallout storyline but you can encourage them to look like they are part of it.

The point about "roleplaying even when powergaming to the fullest" is a valid one and I agree with all my heart. Actually, that's about the only thing you can do in an open server with no rules as far as code of conduct or behaving out of character is concerned. The problem is no ammount of mechanics is going to force that, because acting like a person inhabiting the game world instead of acting like an efficient killing/crafting machine is something quite separate from them. I mean yeah, you can introduce the necessity to fulfill some mechanical goals like getting water, food, even more complicated stuff - but at the end of the day it results in people doing it in the most efficient way possible, avoiding interaction with each other because everyone is a potential threat to everyone else. You had examples of how it plays out in crafting, in mining, in doing NPC quests.

I would say that what makes a person roleplay is not a set of elaborate mechanics, but rather players interacting with other players outside of combat. Right now the only incentives to act like that in macro scale are trade and gang politics. Both have their own "narrative" - trade has people with established reputation, good buyers, good suppliers - it's almost like a meta-community. TC politics are the heart of this server right now and their narrative is even more complicated - you have people doublecrossing each other, people compromising over alliances, uneasy truces, espionage, propaganda, well-known fighters, even a bit of spontaneous artwork - generally good, very creative stuff. That's about as good as roleplaying without GMs is going to get - and some people might say that it's good enough.

The problem here, however, is the lack of a storyline. Gangs, despite all the complexity of TC politics, work to fulfill a set of repetitive goals - take control of the towns, win some battles, gain prestige, make propaganda, recruit more people, take care of the supplies, rinse and repeat. It's all being done in a mechanical manner because TC itself is a simple script mechanism lacking any real context except some aniomosity and sympathies forged in the community during months of gameplay. You can't really accuse people of acting in a robotic manner if all they're doing is adapting to a clockwork-like mechanism. The only moment this cycle stops on its own for a while is immediately after the wipe, when people have to do something a bit different and not as repetitive to set their powerbase up (and unsurprisingly, most players consider the beginning of every 2238 session the best part of the overall experience).

Introducing NPC-based FM factions with goals differing from all the "standard" gangs is basically breaking up the circle. Suddenly, normal gangs have to start taking the NCR or the Enclave very seriously, because they have the potential to influence their standing. And if NCR and the Enclave are acting more or less in accordance with Fallout lore, they force other players to act like inhabitants of the Fallout world by the very virtue of their existence. If you add gang-related events that have the potential to make a serious impact on the balance of power, the gap between cost-effectiveness of taking robotic action and acting like a wastelander widens even more. And if you coordinate the events and the Faction Masters' goals to link everything into a partially self-writing, partially prescheduled narrative, players stop acting and thinking like robots when playing the game altogether and start acting and thinking like people inhabiting the wastes, just because it gives them more power inside the gameworld. Furthermore, when the narrative is well written and the events and factions' reactions keep being surprising, unpredictable and fresh, every gaming day becomes as exciting as the post-wipe day, or even better.

Setting a simple goal required for everyone would be a start. You can't get players motivated if they don't really need anything. You told that players should be rewarded with cool hightech stuff. No APA or gauss will make someone move his ass if he's not interested in pvp related stuff or even fighting, we got such players and it's not a sin to hate fighting. It's actually more credible behaviour than desiring to fight all the time.

Agreed, and that's why faction-related storylines should include politics, trade, persuasion etc... and for players who are not interested in gangs, people like Surf-Solar could carry on with doing their thing, creating small events and breaking up the monothony of day-to-day wasteland experience. The problem of a lack of narrative and robotic nature of the game is equally familiar to loners and gangs, the difference being that you can make all the gangs participate in a TC related storyline while it'd be impossible to create a persistent narrative for loners (every few guys would have to have their own GM which in all honesty would be nuts).
« Last Edit: February 07, 2011, 04:10:55 pm by Nice_Boat »


  • High-Tech Troll
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Re: Town Control
« Reply #83 on: February 07, 2011, 04:33:12 pm »

looks like you still dont get what is all about, actually i can help you.. in polish language.
I'm waiting, because you are right - I still don't get your whining about faction name that is oh-so-needed for you.

It's not the first time I'm asking you about it and not the first time you promise me to explain, then do nothing. But, like I said - I can't expect much :>
maybe you funny traveling theatre troupe can do something more then using sience or some expensive items, giving cars or organising 'fight club' for 10 players.. try organise something for 80 'pvp appes' - this is real challenge
In fact, Mr Ape, me and my noobs do something, more or less interesting or fun. We organised "Rescue princess Miriam" small event in our bunker, for 16 or 17 apes and 7 bunker defenders - I give you numbers, because you seem to like them. It was bad prepared, especially the balance of sides, my fault, but as you can see we've tried and did something. However I understand you don't know about it - you personal are not welcomed on any our "event", even the trees chopping competition if we ever do such thing. 
What happened with famous Broken Hills Roleplay Project you were involved? Please, don't start this "we need faction name and goddamn devs don't give it to us" shit again here. What was the real cause? Boredom? Other apes?

How to make Teh Ape Event in few steps:
- send global message "cum to V15 naked"
- spawn in hidden location 100 armors, 200 guns, 10000 ammo
- teleport all from V15 to hidden location
- wait 15 minutes
- airstrike hidden location
- send global message "thank you for participating, come again"
Background? Storyline? Who cares about reading anyway.
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Re: Town Control
« Reply #84 on: February 07, 2011, 06:50:14 pm »

I mean yeah, you can introduce the necessity to fulfill some mechanical goals like getting water, food, even more complicated stuff - but at the end of the day it results in people doing it in the most efficient way possible, avoiding interaction with each other because everyone is a potential threat to everyone else. You had examples of how it plays out in crafting, in mining, in doing NPC quests.

The important part of this necessity is that it has to come in par with npc factions and town control. You get water from either npc factions which means you have to obey their rules or from unsafe towns by conquering.
TC is already "balanced" in a way, because it's related what players do to each other so last thing remaining is to decide how npc faction reputation is achieved to maintain water supply.

I would say that what makes a person roleplay is not a set of elaborate mechanics, but rather players interacting with other players outside of combat. Right now the only incentives to act like that in macro scale are trade and gang politics. Both have their own "narrative" - trade has people with established reputation, good buyers, good suppliers - it's almost like a meta-community. TC politics are the heart of this server right now and their narrative is even more complicated - you have people doublecrossing each other, people compromising over alliances, uneasy truces, espionage, propaganda, well-known fighters, even a bit of spontaneous artwork - generally good, very creative stuff. That's about as good as roleplaying without GMs is going to get - and some people might say that it's good enough.

However too much of this happens outside the game world. In addition lots of this happen out of player's own initiative rather than ingame necessity. Players trade out of boredom. Having a constant goal to fuel the interaction wouldn't be bad.

The problem here, however, is the lack of a storyline. Gangs, despite all the complexity of TC politics, work to fulfill a set of repetitive goals - take control of the towns, win some battles, gain prestige, make propaganda, recruit more people, take care of the supplies, rinse and repeat. It's all being done in a mechanical manner because TC itself is a simple script mechanism lacking any real context except some aniomosity and sympathies forged in the community during months of gameplay. You can't really accuse people of acting in a robotic manner if all they're doing is adapting to a clockwork-like mechanism.

Storyline: "survive" should be all thats needed. Having some ever-present menace (dehydration) lurking behind should keep everyone at their toes and constantly looking for ways to keep it away. TC is already player interaction, so there'd have to be a way to increase rep with npc factions only via team work with the other members. This way we have constant player interaction fuelled by game mechanic.

A simple quest example to receive rep in ncr: scout unsafe location x. Come back alive. If a tagged group receives the quest, only one needs to return alive. The location could be either unsafe gathering place or a location where enemy faction can perform a similar quest.

Introducing NPC-based FM factions with goals differing from all the "standard" gangs is basically breaking up the circle. Suddenly, normal gangs have to start taking the NCR or the Enclave very seriously, because they have the potential to influence their standing. And if NCR and the Enclave are acting more or less in accordance with Fallout lore, they force other players to act like inhabitants of the Fallout world by the very virtue of their existence. If you add gang-related events that have the potential to make a serious impact on the balance of power, the gap between cost-effectiveness of taking robotic action and acting like a wastelander widens even more. And if you coordinate the events and the Faction Masters' goals to link everything into a partially self-writing, partially prescheduled narrative, players stop acting and thinking like robots when playing the game altogether and start acting and thinking like people inhabiting the wastes, just because it gives them more power inside the gameworld. Furthermore, when the narrative is well written and the events and factions' reactions keep being surprising, unpredictable and fresh, every gaming day becomes as exciting as the post-wipe day, or even better.

It is doubtful if you can force someone to do something in fonline. Players are immune to basically all natural threats like fear of death so it's hard to force them to act naturally.

This demands lot of work and interest from the narrative writer. It'd obviously be totally awesome if it worked. Having a gm to keep up our interest is unreliable but provides excitement in burst-manner. However mechanical encouragement offers long-term, reliable and constant motivation. Then again they don't capsize each other.

Agreed, and that's why faction-related storylines should include politics, trade, persuasion etc... and for players who are not interested in gangs, people like Surf-Solar could carry on with doing their thing, creating small events and breaking up the monothony of day-to-day wasteland experience. The problem of a lack of narrative and robotic nature of the game is equally familiar to loners and gangs, the difference being that you can make all the gangs participate in a TC related storyline while it'd be impossible to create a persistent narrative for loners (every few guys would have to have their own GM which in all honesty would be nuts).

What's still problematic with these storylines and background story based encouragements is that they don't necessarily barge in your tent and demand you to do something. I've never participated in an event because they are out of the gameworld occasions.

An ever present common goal could work as global balancer for player activity. There's got to be something that basically everything you do boils down to. Currently players reason their actions with real world excuses like excitement and the lulz. However the reasons for actions have to result from ingame encouragements like maintaining water supply.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Town Control
« Reply #85 on: February 07, 2011, 08:54:10 pm »

I got into the discussion late but I really like the dynamic world events idea and implementation of more NPC faction action.  If chucklehead 1 goes to NCR and acts like a total fuckass, then its logical that NCR gets annoyed.  If mad enough (obviously violence will be the thing here), they will only need to KO chucklehead 1 and proceed to "interrogate" him.  Thus his base location is revealed and NCR raids the shit out of it.  With GM control, idiots in the wastes will realise that complete dumbassness will not be tolerated by the major powers and result in severe reprisals.

I have also suggested a "battlegrounds" type setup where their is persistent and dynamic fighting happening between major powers with players either joining factions for specific and "bind on equip" gear.  Players can also choose to stay out of allegiances and hire themselves out as mercs and get completely different rewards.

In the end, its the devs who will ultimately decide whether they will keep the violence for the lulz system in place with max player base of around 400 ish or stop all the idiocy and give players an alternative to "shoot for da lulz".


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Re: Town Control
« Reply #86 on: February 07, 2011, 09:12:54 pm »

or stop all the idiocy and give players an alternative to "shoot for da lulz".

You do know that it takes time to develop content?
Re: Town Control
« Reply #87 on: February 08, 2011, 05:30:52 pm »

Hmm... I think that it would be good, when the NPC factions enter the game, if player factions had ability to control some places/valubles. Like Jet maker in Reno. Mines in Redding, or slavery (and i bet a lot more can be easly figured out). The places/valubles that NPC factions need. So, there they can start trading with those valubles with NPC factions. Maybe its a lot better way to "make caps" then controlling poor towns in north (i still dont think north towns should give so much profit, it doesint really make sense that such poor towns make any profit, unless they trade with NPC factions, and to trade with them some good relation must be present?) Well, some thoughts before i acually see how it will work.

For exemple, Fight for Power Plant in Gecko. Power Plant access could give ability to negotiation power supply to VC (VC could agree or not agree, depends on the price, and the gang, VC leader would try to act as roleplay). But first what is needed in my opinion is to making it harder for a gang to control whole north. I mean, a gang with 40 members against a gang with 20 members. Gang with 40 members should have control over more towns then 20 member gang. howver they should not control all, and gang with 20 none. Right now it is: The bigger gang wins one fight and then wins ALL towns very often, in other words, one gang gains advantage and dominates for moment and gets all town, then the other gangs gain advantage and takes all towns back, its like ONE fight for all towns all the time.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 11:41:27 pm by kttdestroyer »
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