Does the "Karma beacon" work correctly?
- will caravans start attacking me, when I get -150 karma?
- will NPC's in town shoot me if I have 1000 karma and I attack any other 0-karma player?
And one more question:
- Does it have any sense in picking "Cautious nature" perk? I have noticed, that even having 8-9 PE there is always a chance to spawn right in front of pack of enemies (when there are more than 1 pack in encounter)
- Does this spawn-far-from-enemies thing work against other players? (will i always spawn further from players having high PE, independant on where do they stay now?)
A better way to ask the last question:
Here's a location with only 3 spawnpoints:
1-3 -- spawnpoints
P -- Player
question: i have 10 PE. Will I ALWAYS enter this location through 3rd spawnpoint?