Well, because it look like people liked my beer event and now they keep asking me to make them some other items I decided to make a simple tutorial.
You will need:
Frame Editor and Fallout 2 palette-
Fallout 2 DAT explorer. It DOESN'T have to be this one. If you use other - that's ok.
FRM Viewer And again: if you use other - that's fine.
- some program to paint. I'm using GIMP. It works like photoshop.
- drawing skills. I'm NOT going to explain you how to use graphic programs.
- INT:7 to understand this tutorial
First you have to steal a picture you want, or you can draw it by yourself.

Now open it in your graph program and rescale it, to something like 100-150px

After rescaling kill the background and replace it with raw blue (0,0,255). Note that while Fallout Tactics understand alpha channel - Fallout 2 don't. In other words, you cannot use transparency. Everything that's not blue will be fully seen. Also this is the moment to fix missing pixel which disappeared while scaling.

And now a tricky one. You have to change the palette to fallout 2 like. As far as I know in both PS and GIMP you do it in similar way. Go to IMAGE/PICTURE (i have no english version, sorry) -> MODE and then find something about indexing colours. Once there, import the palette from
default.act which is inside Frame Editor folder. Then you can enable graphical dithering - it will make your image more shi.. i mean.. falloutish. After you select the palette and check dithering, press OK or PROCEED or CONVERT or something like that.

Save your image as BMP file. It will have 256 colours.

Launch Frame Editor and add your picture by 'add frames' button.

Export it as FRM file. Type any name of file, like asdf.frm or qwerty.frm or aaaa.frm. It doesn't matter really.

Now if you want you can use FRM Viewer to see your baby. I don't.
And finally the most annoying part - installation. To install your mod we have to know
the name and
localization of the original file. I suggest to use DAT explorer to explore the Master.dat file and find what we need. Inventory images are kept in art/inven folder for example. The hunting rifle path is
art/inven/hrifle.frm and the beer is:

If you have no damn idea which file is the item you are looking for (like me in that case) you can always use DAT Explorer do extract all files and use FRM Viewer to check. For now, i'll just replace hunting rifle with my brand new ak47. To do so i'll rename
ak47.frm to
hrifle.frm and put it in
D:\FOnline\data\art\inven\ folder.

Crap. It's too bright. Well i think i'll just have to do it again and rise some contrast this time. But at least it works.
That's it. I hope this short and simple tut will be helpful for you.