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Author Topic: RoboRepair  (Read 1575 times)

« on: January 15, 2011, 03:26:59 pm »

What do you think about to creat something like robot - its already ingame : which could repair your stuff  from your base instead of your crafter alt and 1mins cooldowns. You could put destroyed stuff into his inventory and then Robo would repair it. Of course price of such robot would be worth some caps and it would be available to buy in some npc shop - for example from him : Robot have no attack options, it can be rank as a merc or maybe during deal with npc you got dialog " You can only buy robot if you are already a member of base and if yes  then robo will be automatically teleport there. Crazy idea but maybe instead of talking and asking of deleting cooldowns time then something like this can be good?

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Re: RoboRepair
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2011, 03:42:13 pm »

how about they act somesort like the homesteaders and farmers in encounters? but buy them from vendors

other ideea that is not availeble for poor pearsons


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Re: RoboRepair
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2011, 03:55:57 pm »

There is many things not available for poor persons. That's why they are poor persons.

+1 to this idea, repairing is now like punishment.
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Re: RoboRepair
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2011, 04:10:45 pm »

Of course the question of what is it's repair % comes to my mind.
Re: RoboRepair
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2011, 04:47:15 pm »

another nice feature making gameplay more comfortable. I am for.
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Re: RoboRepair
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2011, 05:22:56 pm »

It would be great to add such feature to the game, BUT it should be difficult to obtain such robot. I suggest this way to get the robot:

1. You go to some NPC. You should correctly explain him what you want via dialog (CH and IN check). If you succeed (you should have only one chance for one player to do so), then he tells you, that long time ago, he saw something like you said in the wasteland. After that, he would give you approximate coordinates (but not the exact place on the map) and you should go there and use some other rare thing, let's say motion detector. This would help you to find out exact place on the map, where robot could be.

2. Once you enter the map, you would see, that this place is the ruins which are left from old BoS outpost and its entrance is particularly destroyed (LK check adds extra chance to find out that place without destroyed entrance), so the only way inside is to blow that entrance with a few dynamites. If you do so, then you get inside of bunker, which is well protected (so, you need at least two Tier-3 people with you) and in one of the floors, would be able to find an unconscious robot. You can examine him with high repair and science skill (let's say, 250 both, so moer than 2 players are required to complete that quest) and manage that he is missing a detail - robot brain (Yes, I know that Mr. Handy has no brain, but this could be changed to anything else).

3. After that, you go back to NPC that gave you a quest, tell him the story (Speech check, less than 150 = fail ). Succeeding would give you a special dialogue, which would continue the quest. If you wouldn't succeed, then NPC will tell you, that you're lying and doesn't want to talk to you anymore.

4. After all, NPC should tell you, that he probably knows how to repair that robot. He asks for a "Brain"

5. Then, you need to gain that thing somehow and get back to NPC, which would tell, that now he niw need a computer voice module to make the brain work as the detail of robot. You should craft this gadget by yourself using Fix Boy (special recipe will be added to your Fix Boy).

6. Finally, you go back to NPC for let's say 30 000 caps would make a Robobrain which you could install to a robot.

If this idea would be accepted by any of developers, I could help with writing a dialogue, and probably a map, though I'm not an expert in a Mapper.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 05:24:37 pm by Graf »
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