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Play WikiBoy BugTracker Developer's blog
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Author Topic: Mapper Problem  (Read 1570 times)

Mapper Problem
« on: January 07, 2011, 05:46:19 am »

I have been trying to get the mapper to work for ages now.  I did everything that people had posted in the competition * I know its over now*, and it still will not work.
Here is what it says without me trying any of their fixes.
Code: [Select]
Starting Mapper...
Mapper initialization...
Sprite manager initialization...
Multisampling 16x not supported. Disabled.
Sprite manager initialization complete.
SpriteManager::LoadFont - File <fnt_def.bmp> not found.
Mapper initialization fail.
Here is what it says after I do their fix *Mainly the to fonline.dat one.
Code: [Select]
Starting Mapper...
Mapper initialization...
FalloutDatFile::Init - Read file tree fail.
OpenDataFile - Unable to open DAT file<C:\Games\FOnline\fonline.dat>.
FileManager::LoadDataFile - Load packed file<C:\Games\FOnline\fonline.dat> fail.
Sprite manager initialization...
Multisampling 16x not supported. Disabled.
Load sprite egg fail.
Mapper initialization fail.
Any help would be much appreciated! 


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Re: Mapper Problem
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2011, 03:48:48 am »

I'm a bit late, but i had the same problem like you and found your thread through insane googling and searching.

Try downloading the data.rar at this site : and extract it in your client folder you are using for the mapper.
These are the missing font bitmaps the mapper doesnt find if you want to start it with your first configuration.

Make sure to have the path in your fonline.cfg to
Code: [Select]

If that doesnt help, use the mapper from SDK located under Server\Tools\Mapper\. That at least worked for me.
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