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"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: new to FOT FONLINE  (Read 4851 times)


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2011, 12:57:02 pm »

i think you whanted to say RP, not PR
PR - Public Relationship...
He MEANS PR ;p check out wikipedia if you don't know what is it..

Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2011, 01:03:53 pm »

Are these all NPCs that are gunning after you??

Do they really hate your guts or do you just have the worst of luck. I see no reason why they would go after your brahmin if it were NCR or junktown scouts unless of course you really have bad rep.

they use autoklickers :( damn NPCs

yeah i had a ghoul scav insta crit burst me dead while having him chase me in circles around a VC patrol, it was hilarious to look at from my p.o.v till the crit burst  :'(


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2011, 01:12:05 pm »

WHAT!? im SO PIST that wasent evin my brahmin it was my friends brhamin we was not evin going to play until recintly cus we discuvered it might be moor intresting now, due to 3% shit raisen it up right? so wtf she is cruzin the fucking cow and ncr and fucking junk town both got 4 or 5 people and they start killing her cow! then some fucking DICK FUCK pussy waper shows up and slays her as she is trying to salvage combat armor. i think he took off and left everything.

killing that cow was the most pussy crap bullshit i have ever seen
its like, over and over again, just repetitive bullshit. this game is not just a waste of time, its damn straight bent for screwing you just like wow fucks over all its people with the level quest, just keeps going.. and going...
only here its... just keep randomly dieing, runing around in tb works and then, OH NO spawn dead center inside a centar, or marauder crawed.

not only that spawn 40 yards from a marader and sometimes it will just dicide it can shoot 50 to 60 yards away weather you see it or not. so k. o their.
hey thats just awsome.. but you know what, i prefer a challange that dosent involve me dieing to fairy fiction mythicle brahmin shit. why the random kill the adince deaths? why DID YOU KILL HER FUCKING COW!? you had youre NPC's INSTINT KILL HER COW! WTF! NOW I DONO IF IM EVIN GOIN TO PICK IT UP AGAIN GOD DMN
who ever YOU are, you diserve a SLAP!
if you are still confused she dosent have lower rep then 50 with ncr or junktown. i have never heard of them attacking a cow, and just leaving you alone. WTF IS UP WITH THAT KINDA FUCK R TARD MAMAs bullshit.
i have never seen npc do that. they all just froze game for a few seconds, highlighted red simotanesly like they all got a command, and ran for my cow. in TB. it was a random encounter not evin a click out of my tent. FUCK YOU you pussy mother fucking stalker crap fuget anel tickeling shittie npc teck!
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 08:57:49 pm by ghostiez »
Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2011, 11:36:17 pm »

sounds like you need much higher outdoorsman to avoid most if not all encounters, 100 outdoorsman is decent enough though if you dont want to throw in more skill points. that or if you can purchase a trapper slave off somebody (they have 90outdoorsman iirc, check wiki) and that will work over your lower outdoorsman skill while travelling on the worldmap. Or alternatively get a car or caravan (seems to avoid more encounters from what i've read but slow travel).


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2011, 11:57:05 pm »

no thats a good tip but unfortinutly this game just sucks.
the creaters did not intead for it to be moor then a pyramid game, i got here first, i rule... fuck that.

and the bullshit deaths? omfucking god.... fuck god, fuck jesus in the-ass you fucked this game so much you make me feel sorry for you beacuse i see something you probley never evin considered, the sad fucked up simularatie between americans and rusiuns would be, we both have a guv that is all about "here first, i rule"

and whats up with the gm's yo, all they give a shit about is duel logs. WEEK!
this game insults my inteligince. im only playing it now, beacuse someone gave me a SHIT load of caps..
so im TRYING to have a good time.
OMFG is it hard.
really, you guys are the best comparasin to wow-fallout vegus-final fantasy 11.

why final fantasy 11? beacuse that game it was so blatently geared to actuly cater to the japanese probley somewear 100% or 200% over the amercans acounts and it was not only exploited the hole fucking server is history. they made a new game. and it probley sucks just the same.

rats and pigs should only take one shot from a god damn shot gun. if i stand next to youre face with a shotgun, evin if it is in shambles, weather you have spent the time to get 21 or not youre fucking ded. i cant stand weak sauce nerfed shit. this is a good game. WHY DID YOU FUCK IT UP!
Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2011, 12:16:44 am »

well it is supposed to be a hardcore game.

Sure people who played it from the start will have an advantage over others but you don't start this game and go killing supermutants, aliens, centaurs, floaters, BoS, enclave or other critters by yourself at level 1. You avoid these things much like you would avoid someone out in the wastes decked out with a minigun/rocket launcher but i suppose by then you would have died and gotten the whole "wasteland is harsh".

I suppose it would be easier if you went and joined a faction so you can travel around in a group (hopefully with somebody compentent in outdoorsman).

this game insults my inteligince.

Handy quote.


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2011, 12:46:00 am »

HAHAHA thats a laugh no fool you cant avoid shit in this game. thats the point!
and the nerf set up for higher levels onto lower ones is pethetic
im dun wit this game.

hub rep +200
why the fuck did the hub patrol kill both d's cows? huh? what the fuck.
what a crap hunk of shittie free shit. enjoy the game its only ben out since 04. i really dont see its future geting any brighter, that unless ofcourse we see the harizin light up from a nuke blast. fuck this.
fuck youre abouse. fuck youre gelisy, youre pathetic crying over spelling. fuck youre crap game you are trying to work on. beacuse its just ment to be uber cool for the creaters, and the people who are freinds with them.
everyone els is a noob for ever. what a crap crap crap, crapen, wow, crap -nerf-usa-best-wow-gamewanabe-ov da year!
gooooo gm's wooo get them duel loggers!! cus OMG omg... who cared? nobody... exept the pyramid bitches.
still enjoying anuther day...with my dolor, that you cant have. beacuse youre game, is crap. hm. so anyways,

youre game is not crap. and you are loved.
good day.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2011, 02:17:18 am by ghostiez »
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