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Author Topic: new to FOT FONLINE  (Read 4852 times)


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2010, 07:29:20 pm »

oooh surf you never let me down.

or do you.

so, at what point do you start following other players. ? right....

anywayz i quite the game until next patch "maby". it really sucks... ok? it blows balls. i could have smoked this game and made it the best fucking fallout mod .....end. just awsome, it would have bin so cool... unfortinutly i am not that smart in this life, i am built for otherthings, including puting up with peoples petty bullshit.
like admin abuse.

otherwise, i hope you enjoy my dollor i gave you last month, i wont be donateing a cent.... to you anymoor, beacuse i think you mis'spend it. badly.
youre game is so far from fallout it couldnt evin begin to say (im a good mmorpg) it would chock and say im a good (oh youre dead and lost all youre things... would you like to waste moor time?)
well.. i might, if i was convisnsed some funk punk admin wasent following my char around and diciding when a mob is going to battel my char to death useing the teck of "my char will just miss" until its dead. vs, anything.
its just a matter fo time. one way or anuther he is going to die, and it is going to look like bullshit.

youre game, is so weak, i seriusly just loged out. i was dun, exploring in this game is like grinding teeth with metal toothbrush.

really, why did you fuck this game up? couldnt you have just lerned from beth's mestakes. for christe sake.
oh FUCK christe if he was real he wouldnt  have let you rip this game a new asshole.
you suck. oh hey, guess what on beter news stev speilberg crap moveis wants to do work wit you. nah jk.. i made that up
good day.

PS; anyone who likes to play badass firstperson shooters and has bf2, dl the pr mod. you will not be wasteing youre time
Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2010, 08:31:52 pm »

y know what type of person are you
better get out from fonline... or become a sentimental PK
You were critically hit in the head for 70 hit points, knocked out, knocked down, had your armor bypassed and were killed


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2010, 10:24:40 pm »

So much for the optimism, lol.

But you will be back. You know i'm right.
Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2010, 10:35:51 pm »

Most optimistic person ever. We need more of you in this game, not those "lol i wont enter this town they all gonna kill me  :("
We need more of him!
Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2010, 10:58:53 pm »

Hellu, cann iou tell me what about ya talkingg ? Beacuse i reali cant understand, thsx  8)
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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #20 on: December 21, 2010, 01:29:39 am »

i wonder if ghostiez really knew what he was getting into when playing this game.

i mean he's telling devs they are doing it wrong, this wont be an mmorpg, bawww i lost my stuff im not going to grind anymore (can't play smart in the wasteland?), fps are bestest games but bethesda fucked up the fallout and you do too.

what does he really expect from this game?



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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2010, 04:24:16 am »

PS; anyone who likes to play badass firstperson shooters and has bf2, dl the pr mod. you will not be wasteing youre time

PR is actually a good mod that requires teamwork, drunken voice chatting and friendly after game chest bumps.


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2010, 09:03:45 am »

PR is actually a good mod that requires teamwork, drunken voice chatting and friendly after game chest bumps.
i think you whanted to say RP, not PR


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2010, 09:13:47 am »

....yeah ill be back, probley. beacuse the people who play it are alot nicer then i am (some of them) others deserve to be greeted by .45 full auto spray to the face on exit of vehicle at random hour of any given day...

on other note, really this game aint that bad.... but i often for real think "and this is not as fare out their as it might sound" that someone, is observing me, and has a kill switch, and launches some type of random death, being encounter or some npc. it just spoils game. i want a fair unfair match... being no damn admin stealthin around hookin me up with some type of not only slow until death time of travel, but barely escapeing, 10 x's, then dieing... without any hope of escape, at all. so, in this case, its best to just reframe from seting voodoo on the people responsible for my cyber misurey, and simpley find a beter ocupation... yes that just makes worlds of sence.. still this game is like... actuly tactis is wear its at.... but nevermind.
yeah the game is ok. its alright. and loseing your iteams is not the end of world. at all. dieing in the lamest shit out of bounds fuk tard escuse is end though, so no moor game for abit... just wanted to say YOU PEOPLE I MET UP WIT AND PLAYED GAMES WIT WAS AWSOME! and im sorry to be so out raged nearly 56....99% of the time. damn, frustraighting game. wtf. really, what did i say to hit the mighty nerv of sissy la la controll freak, ...oh fuk nevermind. anywayz i like tactics. if somone wants to play the coopnet shit, that would be awsome. otherwise if you wana arange a time to play this game, ill meet up for that too. still dig this game. just not so into slow travel. or 1 man patys. at a low level at least. or possible my char, mabye my char is just hat shittie.


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2011, 10:32:22 pm »

on anuther note.

it has come to my attention that you are all mostly real people. sorry for behaving like a retard animel.
surf, now surf.... spelling is not everything. i will get beter in time with gramer, dont sweat it.
as far as the creater of this game
-refering to the russian jent.

good job.. what a game.. you and some other people i am asueming, made a game.. its almost awsome.
as far as travel

holy shit.... really traveling 2 squares should not take over 30 minuts. ever. at all. in anything refering to time traveling in game realivence.
god damn. and if luck, is not going to affect EVERYTHING in any way other then only the smallest of ways.... breaking every weapon from repairs and failing every doc attempt blinding youreself misfireing ammo emptie breaking gun on fire, all that kinda bs, should not be moved to 100% from haveing 01 luck. its eather not going to make big difrince or it is. and as i can tell you, it does. unless some fucking asshole prick fuget fuktard baby tit sucking cunt is following me around and abuseing his fairy fuget wonder fukstick wand' to kill me, beacuse i annoyed him-at some point. or pissed him off, w/e 01 luck, will provide you the shittiest crap experince of this game. if i made you a video of my charicter going from 1-15, you would not make it to level 6. 1 luck, no bueno.

PS what the fuck is up with raiders and hywaymen muraders being able to hit you while youre runing, while their runing, what the hell yo? i cant do that, can you hit shit and run at same time in game?
« Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 10:39:58 pm by ghostiez »


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2011, 11:01:33 pm »

PS what the fuck is up with raiders and hywaymen muraders being able to hit you while youre runing, while their runing, what the hell yo? i cant do that, can you hit shit and run at same time in game?

they use autoklickers :( damn NPCs


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2011, 01:56:38 am »

Yes, its strange that you cant run in TB combat, but enemy can. Why?

What is the point of restricting players from running in TB?

Ranger of the Wastes. The Wastes still needs civilised people.


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2011, 03:42:44 am »

So that you won't be short of extremly exciting moments brought by watching your character slowly walking around.
Pretty sure it's something not indended and they're working on it.
"What is this, I don't even"
"This is your forum."


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2011, 04:05:08 am »

Well i hope it does, cuz it has been like that for a longtime.

Ranger of the Wastes. The Wastes still needs civilised people.


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Re: new to FOT FONLINE
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2011, 12:44:55 pm »

not in tb real time, attacking and runing at same time, and catching up to charicter, also some other fucking bullshit
i get a cow to take to other base with char with 89 fucking outdoors and ncr and fucking buttfuck junk scouts both instintly as i leave my tent rush me as soon as i enter map they shoot cow dead, and then i find out i had ca armer and other shit in cow and some FUCKING DICK WIPE comes up and kills my charicter.

he ditched the cow. just took off. YOU FUCKING STUPID PICE OF CRAP FACE!
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