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Author Topic: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro  (Read 6707 times)


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Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2010, 11:40:53 pm »

As you wish. I dont mind about any contest, just some brainstorming and sharing of thoughts. But oh well ill give it a try.


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Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2010, 04:55:17 am »

Here's one:

"War... war never changes."

This is good monologue yes? It's simple because since TC seems to be the main point of game and why would you want some long, boring and overdrawn back story when you can pickup a LSW and mow people down amirite?

except here's the catch,

"But with new cloning technology from an unknown entity, the rules of war have now changed. We can support an unlimited ammount of power builds to rule the wasteslands. Man has finally conquered death."

And next you do closeup of Vederas's chest as the camera pans to a bunch of blue suits lying critically wounded.


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Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2010, 11:42:45 am »

Please stop trollin' here. As I part today I hope than in meanwhile there will be some more entries.
"Moo-OooooOO! MoMoo.. MmmmoOoo.. Moo!", translate from brahmin to English: "Two things are infinite - brahmin shit and human stupidity! - Brahminstein"
Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2010, 11:55:49 pm »

I really like this idea. Though I'm not an authorr at all I will come up with something later. Well, iif it comes down to it I could also write and record a theme/intro song but I don't see it happening anytime soon anyway  :-\


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Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2010, 05:21:55 pm »

Please stop trollin' here. As I part today I hope than in meanwhile there will be some more entries.

Y0ssarian  might be trolling but he also has a point. The game is everything but what fallout games were all about right now. If you want a cool intro monologue that promises nostalgic fallout adventures, the game better offer them first. What I'm saying is that fonline doesn't deserve that legendary intro monologue yet.
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Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2010, 08:09:43 pm »

Y0ssarian  might be trolling but he also has a point. The game is everything but what fallout games were all about right now. If you want a cool intro monologue that promises nostalgic fallout adventures, the game better offer them first. What I'm saying is that fonline doesn't deserve that legendary intro monologue yet.

While I fully agree with you on the bold part of the quote, I want to add that a big part of what makes an online game is the playerbase. If everyone would play the game in a sane way everything would look different, so don't dismiss this thread yet.

What I also want to add is, that "War.. War never changes" bores people to death and lost it's meaning long time ago. It feels not really good having that in the monologue just because.


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Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2010, 11:09:55 pm »

What I'm saying is that fonline doesn't deserve that legendary intro monologue yet.

Many players don't deserve the game.

Y0ssarian  might be trolling but he also has a point. The game is everything but what fallout games were all about right now.

Which has been said often, but has nothing to do with this thread.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 11:11:50 pm by Lexx »


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Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2010, 11:15:42 pm »

Many players don't deserve the game.
Agree much with you Lexx.
Many players don't even know "Fallout" game serie itself, but still playing because can PK other players that really liked to play 2238.
Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2010, 02:00:12 am »

What I also want to add is, that "War.. War never changes" bores people to death and lost it's meaning long time ago. It feels not really good having that in the monologue just because.
well, if you put "War has changed" in there, you'd be referencing Metal Gear Solid 4 so I think it's better to stay with the original quote.  :P


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Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #24 on: December 31, 2010, 03:57:27 am »

The game is everything but what fallout games were all about right now.
That is because there is no "story" in fonline. I mean the dialogues of the NPCs are really great, gotta say that, but basically all gaming experience is player driven and we all know that would be mostly lololoPKs.

I could talk for hours about fallout 1 & 2 and their story and the whole "if you dont talk to EVERYONE and visit EVERY place you miss 80% of the what made the game so popular amongst roleplayers because today a rpgs story is presented to the player on a silver tablet because gaming should be a 10 hour entertainment snack and not something to enjoy and dive into a phantasie world." But yes, you might already thinking this is so offtopic and yes indeed it is offtopic like the whole "fallouty" discussion started by some of our usual suspects, so lets leave this thread to skewjens little contest. should be over soon anyway.
Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #25 on: December 31, 2010, 04:42:10 am »

"Multiplayer games... multiplayer games never change.

since the dawn of internet and the first online games, players had an option to act stupid without consequences.
most decieded just to roleplay idiots, others chose being racist.

yet there were few, who believed that is not right. today, they are known as true roleplayers.

in the year 2238.... you, a simple wastelander, have a great task given to you from your noble ancestors. you have to kill whats left of these people and type 'lol noob' after they're dead..."

maybe not 100% true, but it fits the atmosphere  :)


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Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #26 on: December 31, 2010, 04:50:09 am »

"Multiplayer games... multiplayer games never change.

since the dawn of internet and the first online games, players had an option to act stupid without consequences.
most decieded just to roleplay idiots, others chose being racist.

yet there were few, who believed that is not right. today, they are known as true roleplayers.

in the year 2238.... you, a simple wastelander, have a great task given to you from your noble ancestors. you have to kill whats left of these people and type 'lol noob' after they're dead..."

maybe not 100% true, but it fits the atmosphere  :)
This I vote for.
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Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #27 on: December 31, 2010, 05:51:06 am »

"Multiplayer games... multiplayer games never change.

since the dawn of internet and the first online games, players had an option to act stupid without consequences.
most decieded just to roleplay idiots, others chose being racist.

yet there were few, who believed that is not right. today, they are known as true roleplayers.

in the year 2238.... you, a simple wastelander, have a great task given to you from your noble ancestors. you have to kill whats left of these people and type 'lol noob' after they're dead..."

maybe not 100% true, but it fits the atmosphere  :)
Ha ;D Niiiiiice.... :)
P.s. They also are likely to say "doing a pee on a corpse" or something like that.
Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #28 on: December 31, 2010, 04:32:29 pm »

Well, I spit on your grave. All for lulz, definitely.

Btw: from my experience, it's the corpses who often say "lol noob". Ironic, isn't it?
Re: [Contest] Monologue script for FO2238 Intro
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2011, 05:54:36 pm »

I sent mine in. I personally think it is really good  :) but it may be a bit over the time limit. It talks about the war a little bit and then about the game world and factions! I can make revisions as necessary.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2011, 07:34:55 pm by Kiljoy Sean »
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