Please stop trollin' here. As I part today I hope than in meanwhile there will be some more entries.
Y0ssarian might be trolling but he also has a point. The game is everything but what fallout games were all about right now. If you want a cool intro monologue that promises nostalgic fallout adventures, the game better offer them first. What I'm saying is that fonline doesn't deserve that legendary intro monologue yet.
What I'm saying is that fonline doesn't deserve that legendary intro monologue yet.
Y0ssarian might be trolling but he also has a point. The game is everything but what fallout games were all about right now.
Many players don't deserve the game.
What I also want to add is, that "War.. War never changes" bores people to death and lost it's meaning long time ago. It feels not really good having that in the monologue just because.
The game is everything but what fallout games were all about right now.
"Multiplayer games... multiplayer games never change.since the dawn of internet and the first online games, players had an option to act stupid without consequences.most decieded just to roleplay idiots, others chose being racist.yet there were few, who believed that is not right. today, they are known as true the year 2238.... you, a simple wastelander, have a great task given to you from your noble ancestors. you have to kill whats left of these people and type 'lol noob' after they're dead..."maybe not 100% true, but it fits the atmosphere