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Author Topic: music player in pip boy  (Read 1753 times)

music player in pip boy
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:25:40 pm »

i would like to see a possibility to play own mp3 music in FOnline
is it possible to input music player in pip-boy, some basic controls like play, stop, next & previous
it can play for example mp3 files from specific place in data folder (maybe other music formats if necessary)


    • Brahmins rox
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Re: music player in pip boy
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2010, 11:31:21 pm »

Run some media player in background (:
"Moo-OooooOO! MoMoo.. MmmmoOoo.. Moo!", translate from brahmin to English: "Two things are infinite - brahmin shit and human stupidity! - Brahminstein"
Re: music player in pip boy
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2010, 04:25:36 am »

yea ... and what when i play in full-screen and want to change song, don`t tell to alt-tab or i kill you :)


    • Brahmins rox
  • Offline
Re: music player in pip boy
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2010, 04:29:26 am »

Then play in windowed mode
"Moo-OooooOO! MoMoo.. MmmmoOoo.. Moo!", translate from brahmin to English: "Two things are infinite - brahmin shit and human stupidity! - Brahminstein"
Re: music player in pip boy
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2010, 04:55:55 am »

yea ... and what when i play in full-screen and want to change song, don`t tell to alt-tab or i kill you :)
Many players allow to set hotkeys. I personally have such hotkeys for winamp, so next/ prev song and pause/ play is no problem even when playing something on full screen.
Some folks got 'em and some have not
But these are the breaks
Break it up, break it up, break it up
Break down!
..guess who
Re: music player in pip boy
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2010, 10:28:53 am »

I think music in pip poy is great idea!
Re: music player in pip boy
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2010, 11:16:35 am »

What's wrong with you? Demanding a totally useless feature, as if devs would have nothing else to work on, because it's too hard to alt-tab to change your stupid songs?
And as has been pointed out, Winamp5 allows to define global keys, which would be easier then having to open the pip-boy.

But then again, the last time I updated my Winamp was in 2002... I just don't need to install all this features for handicapped.
Re: music player in pip boy
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2010, 12:33:04 am »

What's wrong with you? Demanding a totally useless feature, as if devs would have nothing else to work on, because it's too hard to alt-tab to change your stupid songs?
And as has been pointed out, Winamp5 allows to define global keys, which would be easier then having to open the pip-boy.

sorry but he got a point devs have more important things now to deal with like bugs that are pain in ass. I not doubt they will add somthing like that in future but things like this have alweys low priority. I also use winamp with hot keys and that work fine  :P
Well who you think im after now, bitch? Run, mother  f*cka, run...
Re: music player in pip boy
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2010, 12:47:43 am »

What's wrong with you? Demanding a totally useless feature, as if devs would have nothing else to work on, because it's too hard to alt-tab to change your stupid songs?

hey what`s wrong with YOU, you shouldn`t take that "psycho" before posting
i didn`t demand anything?? just asked a question if possible, don`t get so furious dude

besides I don`t want to use winamp I want to use in-game music
I never said it has to be now, i would appreciate it in the future of course
Re: music player in pip boy
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2010, 02:36:44 pm »

There's nothing furious or angry or in my response. There's just some surprise.

An angry response would look like this:
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

A furious one would look like this:

You're right, "requesting" would be a better word than "demanding". What I had in mind is just that you declare a need for something. Something that has next to nothing chance to be ever implemented.

All you need is a player with global keys function. You can use Winamp to play in-game music as well. If version 5 doesn't support .acm files by default, there is a plugin. Or you can just downlowad mp3's. But you absolutely don't need the in-game interface for this.
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