Pfft i don't even get green contours around my mercs anymore
oh - that would make this perk: and worth implementing
I would. it would be perfect for slaver faction. I hate way of thinking that every perk should be combat based.Following this we have war of clones between players. one kind of every fighter with very few - rocketer or burster always with skill in fa and docsg - sniper, crippler or burster same skills as above.ew - sniper and every char looks just the same.
cool, yes. I doubt anyone would take up a perk slot for it though .
Imagine that it would allow name colorising for char with this perk
If it will be lvl 3 perk, many guys will take for working namecolorizing.Honestly, many RP and APK guys just ganking all that moves this session. Because namecolorize is$dead
Beside - it wont ever happen