I guess the title explains it all. I think I am not the only one who is kinda sick about this bluesuit view. I mean, we aren't vault dwellers in FOnline... or if we were, I bet we would have changed those vault suits for something else by the time we start the game. And if we are vault dwellers, what vault are we all from? Why does it present this degree of massive desertion? Not to mention that some bluesuits (for example Long haired dudes) have the number 13 on their back.
Anyway, you could say the main reason I suggest this is aesthetics. I don't like how those clean blue vault suits look. And I will never ask devs to make suit look dirty, covered with sand, torn, or whatever... just change it to Leather Jacket.
I know that if this is implemented, next time you see a guy in Leather Jacket (if you don't have Awareness that is) you will be unable to know if he is unarmored or wearing (Combat) Leather Jacket, but, seriously, who cares? especially when without Awareness you can't tell if that bluesuit is unarmed or has a Plasma grenade with your name on it in his hands.
Why leather jacket? It's the only kind of armor which looks like regular clothes. And it's tier 1, so the situation I mention in the paragraph above will not be so severe. I guess that the same goes for Leather Armor skin, but I prefer the Jacket because the Leather Armor actually looks like an armor, while the jacket, as already said, looks like regular clothes.
I remember that thread Surf Solar made, about an appearance mod which changed bluesuits for sandrobes. The mod was really nice but when I shovelled shit my robes turned into a bluesuit and it was kinda weird. Anyway, in that thread I suggested to make the sandrobe the default unarmored skin and Solar* replied that they would probably work on the Tribal skin to make it the default... Alright, that would look really awesome. But it sure sounds like a heck of a lot of work for the Devs (remember that tirbal skin supports only unarmed, spear and greanade I think), so why don't we all simply look like Mad Max by default while the Devs work on other things they have in mind?
*Edit: I searched the thread and it wasn't Solar who told me that, but Wipe. Here is a link to that thread if you are interested: