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Author Topic: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners  (Read 3974 times)

Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:42:14 pm »

I'd like to announce a competition that can probably help in the development various FOnline mods, including 2238 itself.

To take part in the competition, one will have to post his work concerning one of the following:
- maps (preferably random encounter maps),
- dialogues (for NPCs, for map objects like computers, Nuka-Cola machines, Nuke-Boro machines etc.),
- repeatable quests that allow to earn cash,
- fan-art suitable for game loading screen,
- mechanics of specific Perk (only Fallout 1/Fallout 2 perks),
- mechanics of specific Trait (only those which appear in FOnline),
- mechanics of specific Skill (only those which appear in FOnline),
- mechanics of specific item or map object,
- an idea for the small or big event, NOT focused on killing stuff for lulz.

Your ideas will have to meet following criterias:
- they have to be simple, not complicated,
- they have to be strictly related to Fallout 1/Fallout 2 (preferably placed in Fallout 1 "reality") games and NOT to other games, movies, books etc.,
- they have to be completed as much as you can,
- they have to be created after I post this thread,
- they have to be your own work,
- they have to be posted in this thread.

Your idea doesn't have to be placed in current 2238 game mechanics, it can be something totally new.

By posting your work here, you agree that it can be used freely by everyone, as long as they will mention that you are the author of it.

Each Sunday 23:00 GMT+1, the best idea from the last week will be awarded with 100.000 caps.

Those which are good, but didn't make it to be the best one, will be awarded with a free Nuka-Cola*.

As some (or most of) ideas will be probably very shitty, then to discourage their authors from wasting more of their and my time, they will be immediately awarded with a free Shovel*.

If I decide that two ideas are equally good, their authors will be awarded 75.000 caps each.

After I announce the winner, I expect that he PMs me so he can receive the prize.

* Nuka-Cola bottles and Shovels will be delivered only on forum
Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2010, 12:35:20 am »

I'd like to post my small work on Desert Random Encounter map.

Here are two screens of the same map filled with bigger and smaller areas of weed and other random scenery:

Partial view:

Full view:

Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2010, 03:28:48 am »

I'd like to post my small work on Desert Random Encounter map.

Here are two screens of the same map filled with bigger and smaller areas of weed and other random scenery:

 - an idea for the small or big event, NOT focused on killing stuff for lulz.

 Fill cubik2k's map with players and try to find Wally 
Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2010, 08:31:10 am »

You did say Wally, the Necropolis ghoul, right?
Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2010, 07:46:52 pm »

He is standing near the shoe stall


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Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2010, 08:00:15 pm »

You did say Wally, the Necropolis ghoul, right?

He's at right up corner ;)

Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2010, 08:11:24 pm »

nice event, we have 2 winners. So i think that i and cubik2k deserve prize money. I suggest i would get 70:30 for me.
Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2010, 01:26:12 am »

I have made tini quest dialog of farmer in some random encounter of his little farm requesting you to gather some fruits from nearby field for exp only. It is intended to be starter repeatable quest little bit better than exping on making healing powders.
Can be made in a way rare encounters are handled but with much greater probability of encountering in some farm areas around NCR, Vault city and Hub.

map for it
map screenshot

« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 11:34:27 pm by OskaRus »
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


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Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2010, 02:29:58 am »

- an idea for the small or big event :

Seems that some bug/abuse/bad feature allow well organized players to rape protected places, it's bad and forbiden ok this are the rules...but at the moment it's like that, and i think it's maybe better like that (i don't like 100% securized aera). Players are raping town because there is nothing better or new to do, so try to make it fun untill it will be fixed !

Why, until get this actions jailed/banned or destruct by army of spawned NPC, make an event with it.

Organized gang is ready and raping town (first of all for crying ones : new radio system is really usefull, i just put a radio on the floor and look what is saying on 0 chan, the first guys pked take a radio and give a signal to others, maybe some anti pk faction will come and no need any gm intervention (but is there any apk faction left ?), furthermore the other feature called preview rly usefull)

If not, a GM go to NCR and gather players, try to make equilibrated team with more people for the gathered ones because i don't think pvp build are camping NCR and give them lvl 2 stuff and few mercs if there are no many player gathered.

Go to attack pkers, if gathered wins they have the loot and gm respawn all city NPC, if not you give 30min in real time to pker to camp and play in the city.
30 min passed and gm gathered more player or give them more mercs, and make the same thing as before.

If pkers own other 3 times, they won 1h30 of happy pking and loot after that GM simply ask to stop cause player must have a real life and after 1h30 of pking in city players have to make a break.

Ok other option, but sounds more like a feature :  NCR military camp ? Put a computer in giving lvl 2 stuff for 10 people max as at hinkley and or free medium merc (so still only 10ppl/merc max) for eventual leaders, this camps is just open when a town is raped (i don't know how but....) and automaticaly tp players in the raped town when everybody is ready, if they leave the city without fight the stuff disapear, if they won they keep the stuff and city is respawned (npc)
If they loose 30 min countdown to open a new military camp, give people more max players limit or better stuff/merc, fight again and as before, If pkers own other 3 times, they won 1h30 of happy pking and loot after that GM simply ask to stop cause player must have a real life and after 1h30 of pking in city players have to make a break.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 02:41:49 am by dskpnk »
Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2010, 01:34:05 pm »

I have an idea too:

I think the actual professions system isnt good, because:
when i look at the gunsmith professions i cant understand why somebody can craft a minigun
but havent the knowledge to make a desert eagle...  its not logical.
(for example Gunsmith lvl. 3 & Armorer lvl. 1)

So here is an suggestion for change it:
No professions anymore!
You can craft what your skills are!
My idea is to make all items craftable  like the basic stuff in PIPBOY.
e.g. In the moment you need 40 first aid to make weak healing powder.

So lets make it also with weapons and armors.
e.g. A desert  eagle will require skills from 60% small guns and 70% repair.
Nothing else, maybe some tools.

And make something like a „Tree“. So you have to learn the basics, like pistols before you
can make a laserrifle. So a laserrifle will need:
70% small guns; 80% energy weapons; 120% science and 150% repair.
So if you are able to make a plasma pistol, you will automaticly able to craft a 10mm smg.

I think it will give the players more freedom to „develop“ their  characters & you dont have
to choose for what you want to be an specialist, so you can balance your skills and knowledge.
This Freedom will also allow the player to learn a bit of everything.
And if the system will work good , that „alting“ (i think it called that)  wont be needed anymore.
Because i dont need a char which can make armors and one char which can make explosives
and a doctor... and so on.

(The skill values are just for example, i dont know how much skills you will need to craft laserrifles)
 Just wanted to share that suggestion with you.

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Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2010, 01:30:38 pm »

how about some sort of Inucolation perk that gives you +10 to poison and radiation rezistance like this special perk: but availeble from leveling

other ideea: animal friend perk will turn all the animals non-hostile to you and your party(good for taxi and miner builds)

and why not: Friendly Foe: this will turn some no rep affected hostile encounters(like the SF merchenaries, or the mauser raiders) to become non hostlie to your party(again good for miner and taxi builds)

also we need a train station in the redding-Klamath area, remember that VC whanted redding in F2? why not making a train station there?
« Last Edit: December 11, 2010, 01:50:08 pm by LagMaster »


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Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2010, 04:20:53 pm »

This is idea from F2 so:

As everybody know there is "war" betwen VC, NCR and Reno in order to control Redding, everybody want get their hands on gold veins there, Families from Reno try achieve it by distributing jet in local redding miners, VC method is similiar to distribute medical supply in miners and NCR simply want anex Redding and their "As" card is protection of city, but none of that methods were effective so in the end everything ended as giant battle near in Redding, still it didn't solved everything, a mysterious traveler found old pre-war documents which are clear evidence of ownership of Redding.

Event Tour:

- 3 Groups gather at Redding: NCR, VC and Reno
- Players are assigned to each group: Big gunners to NCR, energy gunners to VC and small gunners to Reno (other types of builds have free choice)
- There is battle betwen those groups
- After battle winners group are teleported to prepared map and must find and kill mysterious traveler in 20 minutes before he escape in order to get ownership documents
- if group kill mysterious traveler then they must deliver those documents to leader of those 3 towns (depend on which group win), during transporting documents other groups can search for current owners of documents in order to take it from them

i quess its simply enough event
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Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2010, 09:07:09 am »

Cool idears!


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Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2010, 10:29:35 am »

Yeah i like that LagMaster's animal friend perk idea.
Re: Weekly 100k competition for creative FOnliners
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2010, 10:53:00 pm »

Well the results of your work were quite poor, but here is what you probably waited for - promised awards:

GaiusCesar - Shovel and Iguana-on-a-stick
For not only posting totally shitty idea, but also, for trolling - that's impressive to get 2 awards in one competition!

Gorlak, Floodnik, jan0s1k - Iguana-on-a-stick
May you be fed enough that you will hide in your caves!

cubik2k - Nuka-Cola, something can be done with that map

dskpnk - Nuka-Cola, I stopped reading the moment I realised that this event is about killing stuff for lulz, which is against what was posted in the 1st post - be ware, next time it will be free Shovel!

Greencell - Nuka-Cola, the suggestion is reasonable, but really too small.

LagMaster - Nuka-Cola, such perks are already in game (Rad Resistance, Snakeater) or aren't interesting at all, and about train station.. Yeah whatever.

Saumax - Nuka-Cola, I stopped reading after "There is a battle between..", again just killing stuff for lulz, wtf man? Next time it would be a Shovel!

OskaRus - 100.000 caps, although dialog is too simple and in some parts ridiculous ("I have gathering cooldown", wtf?) and the map is soooooo simple that it could be done in like 10 minutes, but well.. No one posted anything better, and the idea itself can be improved.

But still, the overall level of all work was closer to Brahmin Shit than to Nuka-Cola, so c'mon people - you can do better than that!

The new round starts, next Sunday I will announce another winner (if there will be any participants). Still, if the results are as poor as in last week, it will be probably the last round.
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