Other > Closed suggestions

Delete characters, who are roleplaying a 21 century stupid teenager

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Mars Sultan:
Wait, you met people on Fonline who speak English? Where?


--- Quote from: Mars Sultan on December 04, 2010, 08:23:58 pm ---Wait, you met people on Fonline who speak English? Where?

--- End quote ---


And that Deus Ex reference always makes me laugh when I see it. I'm afraid that's uhh... classified.

We are connected to internet.
If you don't accept style of the internet then go out.


--- Quote from: runboy93 on December 04, 2010, 08:36:23 pm ---We are connected to internet.
If you don't accept style of the internet then go out.

--- End quote ---

why don't you just say "sorry, but I don't like your suggestion" ?

--- Quote ---It's not roleplaying server.
--- End quote ---

yeah... I know. It's teenage chatroom server


--- Quote from: Vindict on December 04, 2010, 08:51:35 pm ---why don't you just say "sorry, but I don't like your suggestion" ?

--- End quote ---
Because it's my style.


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