Other > Closed suggestions
Delete characters, who are roleplaying a 21 century stupid teenager
Slaver Snipe:
--- Quote from: Vindict on December 05, 2010, 04:58:44 am ---lulz, I don't know why I used that word. maybe because 'friendly' seemed too much
you're a little paranoid aren't you?
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While we are at it why don't we delete forum accounts that use the word "lulz" oh fuck looks like we are both gone, unless you find other people that RP expect the basic internet language to be happening in game and trying to ban people for using it? That's just silly and indeed do what surf said and grab the files and make your own server. I don't mind terrible suggestions sometimes but this was worse than most.
--- Quote from: Vindict on December 05, 2010, 04:58:44 am ---lulz, I don't know why I used that word. maybe because 'friendly' seemed too much
--- End quote ---
Damned teenagers, ban them!
No. Next step could be ban all who are using their native languages for example, we had such ideas here. I don't like these "xD" or "l33t" dudes, but Internet is harsh. Or something.
If you introduce wordfilter on "lulz", expect the Teenage Internet Hate Machine, closing your pools.
Moved to Closed Suggestions? I would have sent this to Junk.
I see this coused quite a stir. I used the word 'lulz' intentionaly. Irony is difficult to sense while comunicating through internet.
okay, maybe it's not the most popular idea ever.
but mark my words! one day i'm going to come up with a suggestion that someone will actually like
and thank you for good advice to create my own server. this would be awesome. but I would probably be the only one playing it.
Merry Christmas :)
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