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Author Topic: Doctor Slaver  (Read 2836 times)


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Doctor Slaver
« on: December 03, 2010, 09:58:54 pm »

I want to make a slaver build (for the first time), he'll also be a doctor because it'll come in pretty handy with those NPCs in tow, not to mention I probably can't think of any other scenario in which I'd like to be a doctor.

Here is what I had in mind:

ST: 3. My character will have One-Hander, so I'll be able to use 4ST weapons (all of which are one-handed) with no penalty. Being a long-ranged guy (I see a lot of slavers with assault or hunting rifles) would be much safer than bursting at ~20 hexes, but I don't think it would be worth the points, not to mention I have mediocre PE and LU.
PE: 6.
EN: 4. With lifegiver x2 I'll have 174 HP. Seems adequate for a slaver.
CH: 9. The more slaves the better. Also, no point in having 10CH since I'll get magetic personality.
IN: 7. With mentats I can get it up to 9 to get Tier 3 of Doctor.
AG: 6. Enough AP to fire a pistol twice. Even if I increase it to 8 and get Action Boy twice I still won't be able to fire 3 times in a row with a 14mm pistol.
LU: 5. I don't see why luck would be important, but I don't want to risk it and make my character too unlucky, so I'll just leave it at 5.
*I'll get Good Natured and One-Hander.

Perks: Awareness (so I can quickly see my guys health), Educated (nothing else seems worthwhile at lvl 9, so I might as well take educated at level 6 and magnetic personality at level 9), magnetic personality, lifegiver x2, medic, living anatomy.
Skills:* First Aid to 130 (+20 with Medic), Doctor (not tagged) to 70 (+20 Medic, +20 Living Anatomy), Outdoorsman 95 and the rest will go in SG, I suppose.
*As you might have noticed, I depend on perks to increase my Doc and FA to the required level to get Tier 3. I might abandon this idea if I don't feel like waiting until level 21 to get there.

My goal is to make the most combat-worthy character who is able to get tier 3 or doctor and be a slaver, and there are no doubt many ways to do it. I'd love to get your feedback. 9CH and 7IN is pretty much non-negotiable, but I'd like to know how you would balance all those other skills.

Phallus Erectus

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Re: Doctor Slaver
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2010, 02:41:45 am »

Remember, son, drugs don't make up for pure ability. What I mean, you need 9 intelligence to get Doctor level 3 and if you are a slaver, you might as well forget about being a level 3 doc, because Vault City won't let you in and to make level 2 and 3 chems requires a medical terminal which is only in VC.
Re: Doctor Slaver
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2010, 02:45:33 am »

Remember, son, drugs don't make up for pure ability. What I mean, you need 9 intelligence to get Doctor level 3 and if you are a slaver, you might as well forget about being a level 3 doc, because Vault City won't let you in and to make level 2 and 3 chems requires a medical terminal which is only in VC.
You can use mentants to get doctor lvl 3 with 7 int. You can also join VC and be a slaver, just be sure you join VC BEFORE you become a slaver. Once you are a slaver you will no longer be able to join.
Re: Doctor Slaver
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2010, 02:56:15 am »

i recommend u to do it like this
ST: 5
PE: 6
EN: 4
CH: 9
IN: 8
AG. 8
LK: 1
And use Bonus rate of fire and Action boy instead of medic and living anatomy
With this char u will have more points to spend and u will shot 2 bursts with the assault rifle that can shot from 35 hexes
And dont worry about the luck because my char have 1 luck and i have no problem
And for what Phallus said you will be able to join vault city because slavers are not marked as a faction so u can enter at any faction and be a slaver
I dont know what to write


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Re: Doctor Slaver
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2010, 03:00:05 am »

no point in having 5 luck either have it 0 or 6 for toughness and increase endurance to 6 for toughness luck may seem like it has a big effect but it really does not only if you want a higher chance to crit. if you have 3 str 4 with one hander chances are you are using smgs and pistols and really have no point in criting. chances are by lvl 10 you will be using smgs most of the time with a pistol as a side arm and will be bursting most of the time. so either take all points out of luck and put into AG or wither change around for toughness good luck. :)
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Re: Doctor Slaver
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2010, 04:20:46 am »

Remember, son, drugs don't make up for pure ability. What I mean, you need 9 intelligence to get Doctor level 3;quote=96080;topic=11623.0;num_replies=4;sesc=e6a9ae4d26a22d99d04561dcd0cf0dca#top
IN is not a problem. I can take mentats to get the required IN for tier 3, I've done it before.

Once you are a slaver you will no longer be able to join.

But being a slaver actually increases my VC reputation, why would it prevent me from joining? I'll take your word for it though, I'll head to VC first.

i recommend u to do it like this
ST: 5
PE: 6
EN: 4
CH: 9
IN: 8
AG. 8
LK: 1
And use Bonus rate of fire and Action boy instead of medic and living anatomy
With this char u will have more points to spend and u will shot 2 bursts with the assault rifle that can shot from 35 hexes
And dont worry about the luck because my char have 1 luck and i have no problem
And for what Phallus said you will be able to join vault city because slavers are not marked as a faction so u can enter at any faction and be a slaver

-I think I'll keep IN at 7, I only need it for my profession, really. There is no real reason to have it at 8, but then again I suppose there is nowhere else to put that 1 skill point. Hmm.
-I agree with the choice of perks.

Really, my decision here seems to come down to whether I should be a 3ST one-handed burster or a 5ST assault rifle burster. Going the 3ST route means I'll be able to spend more points somewhere else, maybe in EN, and if I get a P90 at higher levels I will be pretty well off. But then again, having a greater selection of weapons is always more fun. Hmmmmm.


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Re: Doctor Slaver
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2010, 11:45:22 am »

Yeah LK 5 is useless.
Take always 1, 6 or 10.

Good build aguuux :D
Re: Doctor Slaver
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2010, 01:22:18 pm »


thats a similar build that i use and i really dont have any problem and you are right tom that extra skill point i didnt know where to put it so i put it in IN  ;D
I dont know what to write
Re: Doctor Slaver
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2010, 02:31:36 pm »

If you're gonna make a drug user, go with 7ch. Than after mentats youll have 9 so you can get those slaves you need.


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Re: Doctor Slaver
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2010, 09:45:56 pm »

Living anatomy gives doctor 20 skillpoints plus every hit you get whether it was no damage or was is always 5 damage, so every time you shoot whether its burst/single you will do 5 extra damge which can help alot with slaving plus doctoring.  you seemed to work all the other kinks out by now though.
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