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Tent/Faction Base Raiding
--- Quote ---I wasn't even paying attention to game.
--- End quote ---
Well to be fair after spending an hour running back and forth between NCR, my tent, a mining spot, and my faction's outpost the last thing on my mind is someone seeking my tent stash. He actually left a fair amount of junk in his wake - which I used for crafting and am now sporting combat armor and a XL70E3 I am about to replace. Everything worked out for the best - if anything it motivated me to do better.
Edit: On an unrelated comical note in the minefield 1 thread both blubber and I are seen running onto the field in the first picture. He must have taken a break from robbing people for the competition.
Lol blubber tried following me today so I beat him to death in NCR while people cheered me on. It was pretty great.
Yah i saw that while i tried to get my hides for first tent, pretty funny
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