Other > General Game Discussion

Tent/Faction Base Raiding

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I keep following people to their bases/tents because it is amusing

not really doing it for the items as it would go insanely much faster to just craft the stuff myself

Update: His friend blubber just followed me back to my tent and was killed by my mercenary. Shit was SO cash. I suggest everyone get a merc for their tent.

I keep ghoul snipers outside of the screen borders when you appear in my base so you get shot from multiple angles by npcs you cant see. I tested it out with alts, nothing survived loading the map.


--- Quote from: Badger on January 24, 2010, 03:34:16 pm ---I think the game could do with a little audio notifier when someone joins your party. A 'DO YOU WANT DREMOR TO JOIN YOUR PARTY' is too cumbersome, but it'd be nice to hear a little distinctive noise when someone starts following you.

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The ability to see all your followers names listed right in front of you on WM aint enough?


--- Quote from: Tennessee on January 25, 2010, 07:11:38 pm ---The ability to see all your followers names listed right in front of you on WM aint enough?

--- End quote ---
When you're moving 10 feet and they join five seconds late? Both times I got invaded I wasn't even paying attention to game. Now I have safeguards for that (Great idea roach - I am considering getting one or two.)


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