TC, try yo to be 4 more than 0 for craft yo got 1 arm but 3 doc, or 3 enxpt and 1 arm?
Honestly, Ghostiez, the forum has a spell check function. "Profeshions" definitely comes up with a red underline.
so, the wiki is far out of date and wake.... it seems.cow always wants to enter combat, what about some survival types on cows.. ? is that in search... peace
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
"their should be a survivel guid to cow travel""cows constintly want to enter combat regardles of combat settings"this is not off topic. its survivel tips right?i love it when people post shit and they only got 10% or 0% on thier shit. nice smmmmmmeerf.*good day.