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ammo damage adjustment
--- Quote from: Atom on January 21, 2010, 05:26:51 pm ---Also note that unless shooting at point blank range (one hex), due to the burst cone only 3 assault rifle bullets can hit the primary target (and it's 4 for FN FAL).
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Really? Can we make the burst cone tighter? I'd like to see small arms burst useful at more than point blank.
--- Quote from: Badger on January 21, 2010, 07:54:02 pm ---Really? Can we make the burst cone tighter? I'd like to see small arms burst useful at more than point blank.
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think that the 40% restriction (as i belive its global) is mainly for miniguns - this way you dont need to fear to eat a full burst at long range (very random but would be possible) os indtead of 40 bullets you just eat 16at most (just run from point blank minigunning ;]) (every bullet dealing even 10 dam)
The burst mechanics in FO2, FOnline burst is identical except with the corrected bug mentioned there. Also, most shotguns use only one line. Yes, this isn't really a cone, but that's how they called it in the FO2 manual. The distance of one hex is a special case where the bullets won't spread, beacause it's treated as a close melee range. Flame attack works practically the same way, except there's only one "bullet" for each line, and it can hit multiple targets at once. By the way, the mentioned PDF is still on the TODO list, has been for half of a year.
One conclusion is - roughly one sixth of the bullets will easily hit the primary target, and another one sixth will try their best - but the more of them are fired, the smaller will be the fraction that hit. Since most weapons use no more than 10 bullets, total amount will still be close to 1/3 (rounded up).
That post also comments armor piercing/armor bypassing, but you might want to look at this:
Again, it's a complete assembler -> high level translation. And, as said already, in FOnline ammo can have an instrict property of armor piercing (the same is true for some special unarmed attacks). All kinds of armor piercing effects don't stack, simply the best is considered. Living anatomy is explained there too - +5 to final number, providing correct body type.
The critical hit chance bonus from an aimed shot was changed together with the critical tables themselves, the bonus is now equal to (50+5*LUCK)% of the original value (which was 60 p% for eyes etc.).
awsome! thx!
reading it now but i got fast questions that i shoot hoping you are still here ;]
50+5*Luck <- bonus for eye shot ? thats ugly amount with 8 luck giving 98% of crit OO (base crit is 8 and 90 as bonus). IF its like this then the critical effect tables must been nerfed or smth - any info ? http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Critical_hit_tables those from F2
EDIT: with finesse its 6 luck. Now it was asked somewhere but i wasnt answered i think - does -DR modifier on some ammo work with finesse penalty ?
target 10 DR +35% = > 45% ammo reduces by 20% -> 25% final DR? (mayeb its answered in second link havnt processed it yet)
Armor_bypassing from crit doesnt work with EMP weapons you said in first link - EMP as electro magnetic pulse -.. uh thsoe arnt avaible in Fonline i belive ...or you meant whole energy weapons by this short?
EDIT: What stands for the dr_mod in second link ? modifiers from ammo ? then asuming it can be negative AP from ammo would stack with critical_bypassing
dt = armor_dt/5; dr = armor_dr/5 + dr_mod <-
yes - its explined later that its ammo modifier so it cant be negative as you said those two doesnt stack
--- Quote ---the bonus is now equal to (50+5*LUCK)% of the original value (which was 60 p% for eyes etc.).
--- End quote ---
Which means, with luck 8 you get (50+40)% of 60%, so 54%.
Also, that wikia page is actually the worst there, the explanation is flawed, and the table is some bizzare mix from different critical tables. http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Critical_hit_tables is, on the other hand, excellent one. Only that "random" hit effect is just "cripple a random limb". Also, critical tables for uncalled shot aren't listed, only mentioned - in FO2, uncalled shots were indentical to torso shots, even though the tables for uncalled critical shot existed in the game data. FOnline, on the other hand, is using the uncalled table (it's very similar to torso table).
About finesse, it's in the damage algorithm. Like everything relevant.
EMP is just another damage type, but invisible in the stats, all critters except robots have it set to 500%. The only weapon that use this type of damage is the pulse grenade.
EDIT: about the dr_mod - yes, it's that "-35%" for DR. But this isn't something considered as "effect" (like critical effect, weapon perk and "ammo perk"), it's just an ordinary parameter. It is applied after bypass armor is taken into account (which also means that 5mm JHP ammo can't deal more than 1.4 of the raw damage).
EDIT2: so, again - it works like, "take DT and DR; consider all "hard" effects such as weapon penetrating ability (and the damage type), ammo penetrating ability, special unarmed attack and armor piercing ability; then apply DR". Armor bypassing critical with 5mm AP ammo against someone with 90% DR will result in making it 18% (by the critical effect), and then -17% (by the dr_mod), next clamped to 0%.
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