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ammo damage adjustment

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ah lol sorry i somehow understood "of the original value" as "instead"

1) Living anatomy -from the pseudocode - it looks like its applied after "suming up" damage of all bullets? so it would be totaly inferior to bonus ranged damage for burst weapons

2) EMP - ah so all player weapons (including energy) are capable of armor bypassing - rgr /cut out the stupid granade /

3) As armor bypasssing effects doesnt stack - i think i know now - the DR/5 can by applied onlu once . However when armor is bypassed by critical and ammo helds penalty do targets DR then those two effects stack.

i think it covers it up ... well will need to compare results with some "Test" weapons and armor but that will come later...

4) now i yet have question regarding cone attack:
You said there are left right and centre lines the the bullets travel ... or its more that those are cones?
if i imagine those as lines then centre would be aimed at target while left and right at hexes adjacent to the target (or in some distance)
now what bugs me what happens when target is far away but there is something on the way to the target ? (not directly to attacker but close - lets say target is 30hexes away but there is someone 10 hexes away and on the line to the target)
with that case assuming left and right bullets travel like i said ealier will they hit the close target?

in other words if you are quite close to minigun but not in point blank if the aim is at something far behind can you eat all the bullets "by accident?" ><

part that primary target never gets hit by more then 1/3 of bullets - check

thx a lot  Atom , really appreciate it

1,2,3) Yes.
4) Yet another ancient picture dug up: http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/5391/conj3.png
It still bears the name "conjecture three", but now it's a certain thing - reverse engineered from the exe. And again, roughly speaking, this happens:
a) take about 1/6 bullets, let each of them try to hit the primary target independently,
b) push those that missed along the central path, trying to hit other targets on the way, skipping the primary target (they had their chance to hit it already),
c) push another 1/6 of the bullets along the central path, each time the volley encounter a critter, bullets will try to hit it until one of them fails, the rest will not try to hit it and fly to the next target on the line (if any),
d) push 1/3 of the bullets in the same manner as in c) along the left line,
e) push 1/3 of the bullets in the same manner as in c) along the right line.

"Left line" consist of the hex adjacent to the attacker (it's common for all paths), then it jumps to that one hex which is 3 hexes far from the attacker, and continue along the drawn line. Same for right path. They can get pretty weird looking if the central one is not "straight" hex-line. In FOnline they are just the best approximations of "real" lines drawn through the centres of the attacker's and the target's hexes, and their parallel translations. In FO2 they produce similar results, but are slightly bugged and inconsistent.

About the "acidental" shooting of the close target - yes. That's actually how you could effectively use a minigun in FO2 to maximize your kills - killing one far target with 1/6 bullets, and three more standing close on the main lines.

Note that in FOnline, for AI purposes, such "accidental" attack usually counts as a normal attack - in case of players it's impossible to tell if this was a deliberate action, or true accidental fire. Such attack is not treated as intentional only if the attacker is a non-follower NPC (obviously no problem with that, as it is fully controlled by the server).

that picture says it all and answered my question - only the first hex next to attacker can eat all bullets. and where you aim doesn't change the fact

so from minigun you on average you will eat 12 bullets at range and 30 at point blank ;]

Thanks guys for this talk, it's very informative  ;).


--- Quote from: Attero on January 21, 2010, 11:13:27 pm ---so from minigun you on average you will eat 12 bullets at range and 30 at point blank ;]

--- End quote ---

At most 10, not 12 (the approximation by 1/3 gets better with the number of bullets fired). And the expected value with 95% to-hit, assuming no targets on the way, is something around 9.0482. So, it's 9 really.


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