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Author Topic: Advise on my character build  (Read 2644 times)

Advise on my character build
« on: November 19, 2010, 03:30:43 pm »

Im planning on creating a new character and was wandering if you guys could share your opinion and possible answer some questions.
(Note: this ll be my 2nd character)
Tnx in advance.

I want my character to be a burster with thats excells at combat, but still making it practical outside of combat.
Its gonna be an SG3 possible AR1.
I decided on the following:
St 4
En 6
Pe 6
Ch 3
In 8
Lk 1 (dont really need any while bursting, right?)
Ag 7

Fast Shot (because bursting will be the only thing id be doing)
Good Natured
(I like having slightly higher first aid and docter and if im not mistaken i should be able to get some free SG% at the gunrunners, right?)
I have been toying with the Small Framed trait, but dont really feel like droppping Good Natured.

lvl3 : awareness
lvl6: not sure yet... Pack rat?
lvl 9: Dodger
lvl 12: Lifegiver
lvl 15: Lifegiver
lvl 18: Gain agility
lvl 21: Bonus rate of fire

Lvl 18 and lvl21 can change spots, its wichever I chose atm.
Id like 9AP so that I could burst 3 times with the HK 90, with these stats I should be able, right?

As you can tell I consider a Decent AC attractive, but if any of you can make a valid point why I should move the agilty point elsewehere and take action boy instead,
please flame away (dont be cruel tho :()
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2010, 03:32:03 pm »

Fast Shot (because bursting will be the only thing id be doing)
Doesn't affect bursting
Id like 9AP so that I could burst 3 times with the HK 90, with these stats I should be able, right?

St 4
En 6
Pe 6
Ch 3
In 8
Lk 1 (dont really need any while bursting, right?)
Ag 7
lower AG to 6, take Small Frame instead of Fast Shot(not if you need much carry weight though).
lvl3 : awareness
lvl6: not sure yet... Pack rat?
lvl 9: Dodger
lvl 12: Lifegiver
lvl 15: Lifegiver
lvl 18: Gain agility
lvl 21: Bonus rate of fire
Pack Rat - useless, but since you have only 1 LK i dont see any good option, so for a crafter you could take it.
Dodger - useless, 5 AC isnt a big difference.... but since you have 1 LK.
Gain agility - waste. And since you have 1 LK... still a waste.

And crafting is useless.
Summing up: you want to use a powerbuild("powerbuild" for a burster).
That's what I would make:

3 bursts from the HK P90c, a tough guy(8 EN, 190+ hp), Doc and FA(healing).
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 03:52:12 pm by Floodnik »
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2010, 04:08:04 pm »

Lol well I apreciate your honesty,
It seems you apreciate luck a lot more then I do.
I see now the advantages in perks luck gives you.
Guess im gonna have 2 sacrefice my CH and buy and sell stuff with my other character.
LK does not have any other advantage with bursts right?
I checked the Pic you added, its very helpfull.
Just 1 question tho.
Why did you add on hander if it doesnt work for bursts?

Tnx again,
this rly helps
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2010, 04:12:28 pm »

Why did you add on hander if it doesnt work for bursts?
Hm? I never said one hander doesn't work for burst. You took:
Fast Shot (because bursting will be the only thing id be doing)
Good Natured
And Fast Shot doesn't work for burst. It only works for single shots, that have the aim capablity. One Hander works perfectly, and since this is a HK P90c build, you would want to take it. But you won't be really using two-handed weapons(like assault rifle) after that.

And BTW. if you create that character, remember, it's clearly for PvP(also more useful for PvE than a crafter). You won't barter, craft, you will have to use alts. Since you said
Im planning on creating a new character
I guessed, that you have a character that can make stuff etc.
But if you don't want to fall into the harsh world of PK, alting, PvP aping and power-playing, I don't know if it's a good idea to learn playing these kinds of characters :P
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 04:17:51 pm by Floodnik »
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2010, 04:18:22 pm »

He wants to be a burster and crafter, so he should tag repair and science instead.

12 AP is nice, but if the wiki is correct, it's overkill for a P90c.
The wiki lists 5 AP for a burst, which will be 4 with BRoF (unless it's broken as I read somewhere it might be).
2 bursts empty the clip.
4 AP * 2 + 2 AP for reloading makes 10.

For 10 AP you don't need the 2 AB perks.
Take a 2nd BRD and a 2nd Lifegiver (at level 15).

Take the One Hander trait instead of Small Frame and lower ST by 1.
Put that point in AG.
You will end up with 7 more carry weight this way. Downside is you can forget about using 2 handed weapons when taking drugs to get 5 ST.

Suggested build:
ST 3
PE 6
EN 8
CH 3
IN 6
AG 8
LK 6

One Hander, Good Natured

Tagged skills:
SG, Science, Repair

lvl 3: Toughness
lvl 6: Toughness/BRD
lvl 9: Toughness/BRD
lvl 12: Lifegiver
lvl 15: Lifegiver
lvl 18: AB/BRoF
lvl 21: AB/BRoF

Personally I would take 2 BRD and 1 Toughness.
To be a burster you will need BRD which means you will need 6 LK.

At level 21:
SG: 183 (not counting the +15 from Gunrunner's "quest")
FA: 42 (remaining few points)
Science: 100
Repair: 180
You could do with less repair, but 180 combined with a toolbox means you can succesfully repair stuff.

To get SG levels 2 and 3 you'll need buffout.
When using buffout use a nuka cola to compensate the -1 AG.

Edit, based upon previous 2 replies:
With 1 CH put the 2 points in AG. Don't take the AB, but at level 3 take Toughness, Awareness or Faster healing.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 04:21:57 pm by HertogJan »
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2010, 04:19:45 pm »

2 bursts empty the clip.
HK P90c has 36 bullets magazine, so 3 bursts.
He wants to be a burster and crafter, so he should tag repair and science instead.
As I said, crafting is useless at this point :P And I think he decided:
Guess im gonna have 2 sacrefice my CH and buy and sell stuff with my other character.
It's really better to make a powerbuild.
When using buffout use a nuka cola to compensate the -1 AG.
I don't think he should start using drugs so early.
Science: 100
Repair: 180
You could do with less repair, but 180 combined with a toolbox means you can succesfully repair stuff.
Alts, alts, alts. For fighting I would prefer FA and Doc, dunno if you can fix yourself with science/repair :P

AG 8
He won't need 9 AP or
With 1 CH put the 2 points in AG.
10 AP, he needs only 8 AP for 2 bursts or 12 AP for 3. I'm not counting the reloading, well... Didn't really count turn based.

Take the One Hander trait instead of Small Frame and lower ST by 1.
In my build i took those both. :>
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 04:25:18 pm by Floodnik »
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2010, 04:25:16 pm »

HK P90c has 36 bullets magazine, so 3 bursts.

Like I said, the wiki says.
Still 3 bursts empties the clip.
Question for Tabris32 is if he wants the advantage of the extra burst compared to the advantage of some other extras.
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2010, 04:27:01 pm »

1 7 10 1 6 10 6

244 HP
Jet doesn't decrease ST, because it can't be lower than 1.
You have 4 ST with weapon handling perk, so can use smg and p90 with no penalty. And of couse you still have 4 ST with jet.
10 AG and Jet = 12 AP = x3 bursts in a row.
Lv3: Toughness
Lv6: BRD
Lv9: BRD
Lv12: LG
Lv15: LG
Lv18: Wpn Handling
Lv21: Toughness

SG, FA, Doc.

If you can bother with nuka, then pick 9 AG and 8 PE.

If you want critical bursts, then take x3 more critical, minus 1 LG, Wpn handling and Toughness.
You'll have 216 HP, 21% critical chance -60% to hit for smg and p90c, but you can simply put more points into it.
Still have x2 BRD and 1/5 chance that burst will do x1.5 or x2 damage.
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2010, 04:31:56 pm »

Heh, falling into drugs like that, would be too brave for him imho :P I wasn't counting them, but good way of thinking, Rat.
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2010, 04:33:42 pm »

Heh, falling into drugs like that, would be too brave for him imho :P I wasn't counting them, but good way of thinking, Rat.
Just jet, he don't even need to craft anything, because jet uncraftable ;p
Just farm some jet from poor highwaymen and rave party, 1 dose = 30 min x2 action boy perks for free.

Edit: Damn... forgot BRoF.. -1 toughness on 21st level, only now remembered that it's impossible to have 2nd toughness with this build.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 04:55:12 pm by RavenousRat »
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2010, 04:57:27 pm »

Wow a lot of replys tnx all.
I think its a bout time I need 2 do some clarifying.
OK my 1st character is an ARM3 SG1 and its really been bugging me that Ive been inable to create tier 2 and 3 SG.
I want something of a Powerbuild but In the end I still want to be able to craft tier 3 SG.
Selling and buying is no biggy, neither is gathering resources, but I want to be able to craft tier 3SG and gather a little high value loot.
Sry for coming off confusing, but Im not sure what I want yet, tnx to your replys im getting an idea.
OK I said 1 hander but atm I'm not sure thats what I want and would preffer to experiment with 2 handed weapons as well.
Plainly, I just want to burst and do as much Dmg as possible being that trough raw power or criticals.
I also want to be able to stay alive as long as possible, being that trough health or dmg resisitance, again wichever works best.
I know youve been putting some time into your aswers and I hope your willing to spare a little more time to give me some adtional transparanty.
Again tnx in advance,
Youve all bee a big help!
Re: Advise on my character build
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2010, 05:42:14 pm »

Then try shotgun burster, it's cool because you don't need to run in poink blank to burst properly, because bullets don't split with shotgun. Also BRD perks aren't good with it, because it uses less bullets per burst, but more damage per bullet.
The bad thing is Pancor is a bit... expensive, but it easily deals 60-70 damage to BA from max distance and over 100 with critical burst.
You aren't going for aimed shots, so you don't need high weapon skill, and even with crafting, you don't need high IN, so 6 is enough, may be even 5, if you aren't going for BRoF.
Don't take 1 LK, it's bad, 2 is much better. With 1 LK the worst critical miss effect is possible, while with >=2 it's impossible.
AG is of couse 10, if you aren't going to get that damned nuka cola, if you don't have problems with it, then 9 AG and use nuka.
You can have that:

Small Frame
Good Natured

You can make 1 LK instead of 2 and 7 PE instead of 6 and take Healer perk (requires 7 PE) on 6th and 9th. So your FA will be stronger, else take Educated perk on 6th and 9th.
Tag skills:

Raise science to 100% to be able to craft HQ alloys +you need 90% for SG3 prof.
Repair to 120%.
SG... if you're going for combat shotgun/CAWS/Pancor, then you need only (if your trarget is crazy 10 AG+dodger+CAmk2 guy) 16*4+95+40-20-10-(6-2)*8=137%.
Every other skill point into FA, you may also raise Doc. With 7 Pe you need on 8% SG less.
However if you're blinded you have 1 PE and every hex counted as -12% to hit instead of -4%.
So you can add 16*8=128% + 8*5 (difference between 6 and 1 EP) 40% = 168%
137%+168%=305%! Yeah, it's impossible to ignore blindness with uber high skill, damn... Anyway with 300% SG skill you'll have 95% to hit to 10 AG guy in CAmk2 without dodger perk on max distance with pancor jackhammer even if you're blinded!
Ok, nvm, so get your SG skill to ~137%, repair to 120%, science to 100% and everything else in FA, I guess there will be around 200% FA, if you don't have 7 PE and picked x2 Educated perks on 6th and 9th levels.
But remember, ability to craft stuff won't help your character in fight, you can't kill your enemy with your repair and science skills. And that evil guy won't care that you can craft HQ alloys, it won't save you from his powerbuild anger.
Also low LK = you'll be instakilled and blinded most of time.
LK gives safe-throw roll against armor bypass, blindness and instakill.
Make an alt for crafting, or don't craft at all, leave it for others.
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