Then try shotgun burster, it's cool because you don't need to run in poink blank to burst properly, because bullets don't split with shotgun. Also BRD perks aren't good with it, because it uses less bullets per burst, but more damage per bullet.
The bad thing is Pancor is a bit... expensive, but it easily deals 60-70 damage to BA from max distance and over 100 with critical burst.
You aren't going for aimed shots, so you don't need high weapon skill, and even with crafting, you don't need high IN, so 6 is enough, may be even 5, if you aren't going for BRoF.
Don't take 1 LK, it's bad, 2 is much better. With 1 LK the worst critical miss effect is possible, while with >=2 it's impossible.
AG is of couse 10, if you aren't going to get that damned nuka cola, if you don't have problems with it, then 9 AG and use nuka.
You can have that:
Small Frame
Good Natured
You can make 1 LK instead of 2 and 7 PE instead of 6 and take Healer perk (requires 7 PE) on 6th and 9th. So your FA will be stronger, else take Educated perk on 6th and 9th.
Tag skills:
Raise science to 100% to be able to craft HQ alloys +you need 90% for SG3 prof.
Repair to 120%.
SG... if you're going for combat shotgun/CAWS/Pancor, then you need only (if your trarget is crazy 10 AG+dodger+CAmk2 guy) 16*4+95+40-20-10-(6-2)*8=137%.
Every other skill point into FA, you may also raise Doc. With 7 Pe you need on 8% SG less.
However if you're blinded you have 1 PE and every hex counted as -12% to hit instead of -4%.
So you can add 16*8=128% + 8*5 (difference between 6 and 1 EP) 40% = 168%
137%+168%=305%! Yeah, it's impossible to ignore blindness with uber high skill, damn... Anyway with 300% SG skill you'll have 95% to hit to 10 AG guy in CAmk2 without dodger perk on max distance with pancor jackhammer even if you're blinded!
Ok, nvm, so get your SG skill to ~137%, repair to 120%, science to 100% and everything else in FA, I guess there will be around 200% FA, if you don't have 7 PE and picked x2 Educated perks on 6th and 9th levels.
But remember, ability to craft stuff won't help your character in fight, you can't kill your enemy with your repair and science skills. And that evil guy won't care that you can craft HQ alloys, it won't save you from his powerbuild anger.
Also low LK = you'll be instakilled and blinded most of time.
LK gives safe-throw roll against armor bypass, blindness and instakill.
Make an alt for crafting, or don't craft at all, leave it for others.