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Author Topic: General Weapon discussion  (Read 1388 times)


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General Weapon discussion
« on: November 17, 2010, 08:56:53 am »

here let's talk about the weapon sistem, the devs and GMs tell us when we suggest something for a new weapon they say something like:
No new weapons untill the curent ones are balanced
well let's talk here about the weapon sistem here: + and -, all you wanna talk about the current weapons:

now the small guns are the moast comon,but only 3,maximum 5 are good for a PvP battle,the rest are good for grinding and farming. this are:Sniper Rifle, Assault rifle, p90, 10mm SMG.... i understand that they are good for there relability and that they are comon,but all the good ones are crafteble only, or hard to find/need bad rep to get them(exept the 10mm SMG)

 Big guns, only the flamer can be easy to farm(gang encounter) but is the basic,the only ones that are good:Advenger(hard to craft), LSW(rep loss to get), Bozar(need special build) and RL(unreliable and hard to get ammo). they also do a lot of dmg

energy weapons are good, but need some new variations:there are only 2 tipes of ammo: SECs and MFCs.the onlly good EW are:Laser Rifle and M-L pistol, probably a Plasma Rifle.

my current sugestion:
-create a new ammo for EW: ECP(electron charged pack) for the Gatling minigun and someting like a Laser assault rifle(new weapon)so the new ammo will be easyer and cheaper to make then the SECs, and no need for the MFC machine
-make some new variations of the Bozar and/or M60 whit lower range and other ammo, so there will be some single shot Big Guns(exept flamer,RL and Bozar)so players can go grinding whitout using 30 ammo for a burst. and this will add a new tipe of BG build: aimer BGner
-increase the power for some small guns, especialy those that are hard to craft or hard to craft ammo, like the assault rifle that uses 7.76mm ammo(forgot name)

note: i know that there will be no new weapons untill the curet ones are balanced, that iw why i puted the topic here,so we can discuss the weapons sistem, and why not whit the devs togheder
Re: General Weapon discussion
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2010, 10:10:46 am »

I have 2 alts with 3 CH. Both are used for trading although my doc alt is used for it most.
With that alt I regularly find unrepaired 0% deterioration assault rifles and 10mm SMGs. I'm sure if I would look for it I can find unrepaired 0% deterioration sniper rifles and P90c too, although they are more rare. The 1 time I did search for an unrepaired 0% det. P90c I found it.

Getting rocket ammo is no problem at all. I regularly see rockets at various traders, both the normal and the AP one. I happen to have seen 0% det. LSWs at traders too.
At some point you will get a negative reputation with some factions. It can't be used as an excuse for not getting weapons from an encounter with such a faction. Besides that I think it's good your actions have consequences.
I don't think we need a lower range bozar or M60. Flamethrower is close combat BG, bozar is longe range BG, the rest is inbetween.

Every weapon type has good and not so good weapons. That includes energy weapons. IMO energy weapons have 2 problems.
First 1 is the requirement for crafting SEC. Both SG (.44, 10mm JHP, shotgun shells) and BG (flamethrower fuel) have a tier 0 ammo that can be crafted without any requirements. SEC requires 30 in EW and 40 in Science.
Second 1 is the effectiveness of metal and tesla armor.
I think the gatling minigun won't be more useful with a new ammo type. A laser assault rifle would be nice as kind of a laser SG burst weapon.

SG already had a power increase with this era. IMO no weapon is hard to craft. Crafting 7.62 ammo might be dangerous if you're not a raider. Than again, I also see 7.62 ammo regularly at traders.


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Re: General Weapon discussion
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 10:49:31 am »

I trust raw power of BG weapons!
Nothing can stop them power.. with good build you are unstopable.
Re: General Weapon discussion
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2010, 11:48:24 am »

I think there should be added some ways how to farm Sniper rifles and P90s or removed Remnants vs BOS encounter to make availability of weapons more balanced.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
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