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Author Topic: Bring back old colourizing  (Read 25474 times)


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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2010, 11:01:11 pm »

It can be solved by PC faction members list.

 Working with terminal is annoying. You cant copy past, tranfer text from alliances. Also sometimes is terminal bugged, you have to restart client...

 If you can not add specific colour to some group of players, it is always reducing the policy of the team. Last eras, we had and used cca used 10 different colours for teams, so we were able to recognize different enemy from each other, allied teams, neutral teams, no team bluesuits, single PKs, annoying looters, helpers, ... .

 This had a great influence on roleplay, because we had chance to recognize and respect players. Now, because of security, we just kill all of non green players. And this do every team.

 If you are single player, you have to create contant with gangs and teams. You can do what you want, but teams will ignore this and killed you because they have not any other chance.

 I dont understand why you think that gangs and communities are bad. Look at real world, look at new vegas, look at original fallouts.. it was the same: factions like raiders, brotherhood, enclave, cities  and relationship.

 Reducing NC into current form reduces possible relations and it eliminates even basic chances to create some kind of roleplays.. Facts? Look at current roleplays, look at TC holders...

 AND it is not only my opinion, IT IS OPINION OF PLAYERS OF EVERY GANGS (i hope even rogues and cs agree with this).
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 11:08:31 pm by Lordus »
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2010, 11:13:04 pm »

Everyone is not PVP in 2238.
There are also crafters and traders.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 08:06:35 pm by runboy93 »


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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2010, 11:22:06 pm »

(...) i dont know if this is only my problem, but often (1/2 of cases), if i tag player by colour, name has still same coulour until (log off and log in) (...)

Relog is not needed. If color isn't set instantly, client will set it next time when given char enter your FOV.
Games are meant to be created, not played...


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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2010, 11:30:56 pm »

And you can think Lordus that you and you scums PVP factions rule whole world of 2238?
I think you are wrong.. there are also good people that who crafting and selling stuff and maybe little bit PVE.

If this game not good enough for you or anyone else PVP faction.. there is always one choice.
Leave from FOnline 2238.

 Ohm vulgarity in serious topic :)ยจ

 PVP players are part of Fonline 2238.. if you they should create different relations with players, different than alliance and hostile, they need a possibility to do it.

 Dont you realize that we just simply could not make relations among teams and players. One team member is friend with non team member player. But rest of team dont know about this relation. Because of this, he add his name into NC into collum: friends and rest of team know, that he is safe.

 Without this, he will be shooted early or later, just becase one human cannot repetably told to every allies and mates.. Dont kill Izual, he is friend of mine.

 Do you understand this?
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2010, 11:33:30 pm »

Do you understand this?
I think i understand this finally.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 08:07:15 pm by runboy93 »


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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2010, 11:43:41 pm »

Dont you realize that we just simply could not make relations among teams and players. One team member is friend with non team member player. But rest of team dont know about this relation. Because of this, he add his name into NC into collum: friends and rest of team know, that he is safe.

But that is precisely what I do not like with NC. Computer-based relationship instead of individual-to-individual relationship.

And runboy, try not to be vulgar, thanks.
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2010, 11:46:48 pm »

I don't understand mad killing of players without reason.
I shoot people if they start to shoot me or try to take my loot.

And why do you think that NC means PKilling? This is not the same.

 In simply logic, PK teams will still shoot every bluesuit just because fun, and so called anti PK will have better option to recognize pure PK from those who only defend themselfs from those who are anti pk.

 In current state, if you Tag someone red, or if you tell that that player is enemy, everyone who have enough brain capacity, will remember him as a threat, does not matter it was mistake, or his nick is similar to other.. And whole era he will be enemy for whole team, does not matter, NC is downgraded.

 For christ, come to our mumble during TC session and you will listen dozen times:

 Who is this, who is that? Dont kill nick xxxx! What did you say? Arghhh, you killed xxx, he is friend. And who is dritt? (Dritt, because we are afraid to attack him, he runs over our position, check our position and report info on enemy mumble, then enemy jumped, kill us, Dritt is looting us and we listen): I told you Dritt is Rogue, why you dont kill him?

 And i can continue.. it is the same all time. Because of this, we just shout: Leave or die, and after few seconds, we kill all non green players. Tell me, how this helps to Fonline community?
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2010, 12:06:08 am »

« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 08:07:37 pm by runboy93 »


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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2010, 12:54:31 am »

PK's... need to be all cleaned from game.
Scums.. kill players for fun..
Stop trolling.  Nuff said.

And Lordus is right about Mumble, although I dont do mumble I do IRC now and since I lead small gang we talk in this manner quite alot, its simply too frusturating, please bring NC back, it is a necessity almost, at least for big gang pvp.
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2010, 01:16:50 am »

And why do you think that NC means PKilling? This is not the same.

 In simply logic, PK teams will still shoot every bluesuit just because fun, and so called anti PK will have better option to recognize pure PK from those who only defend themselfs from those who are anti pk.

 In current state, if you Tag someone red, or if you tell that that player is enemy, everyone who have enough brain capacity, will remember him as a threat, does not matter it was mistake, or his nick is similar to other.. And whole era he will be enemy for whole team, does not matter, NC is downgraded.

 For christ, come to our mumble during TC session and you will listen dozen times:

 Who is this, who is that? Dont kill nick xxxx! What did you say? Arghhh, you killed xxx, he is friend. And who is dritt? (Dritt, because we are afraid to attack him, he runs over our position, check our position and report info on enemy mumble, then enemy jumped, kill us, Dritt is looting us and we listen): I told you Dritt is Rogue, why you dont kill him?

 And i can continue.. it is the same all time. Because of this, we just shout: Leave or die, and after few seconds, we kill all non green players. Tell me, how this helps to Fonline community?
This is very true.
Every medium to large size group of non-griefers have these problems. PKs who just slaughter everyone in sight don't have these problems.
If devs want more roleplaying and less mindless PKing, they should throw non-griefers a bone or something to even out the odds, so the big PvP groups concentrate on fighting each other and not griefing roleplayers or loners. I don't blame any "anti-PKs" for starting shooting anyone suspicious, I would do so too, if I still found playing 2238 worth my time (lets hope posts like this will help improve it).

Namecolorizing should be percieved as nothing more then convenient abstraction of memorizing mugshot posters.
If you want more realism, remove server side colorizing, bring back client file-based colorizing and show only as much names colorized from the list as characters intelligence or something...


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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2010, 05:46:00 am »

Why NC had been removed anyway? To stop alliances and swarm rushes? Oh please. To make life of "antiPK" harder? Yeah, like someone cares about their list of "outlawz", which were in fact list of every character they saw.

You have my spear here, Lordus.
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2010, 07:34:30 am »

Oh, good old times where I would have half the server tagged red or green by downloading NA's namecolorizing! Oh devs, why have you stopped this?
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2010, 07:55:12 am »

I understand both sides of this coin.  As a gang leader I would like the name colorizing back in so that I can tag the confirmed pkr's, because I don't get a chance every time I'm blown away by them, and that doesn't mean my team members have them marked.  And now a days people are even going so far as to say, 'Peace' *click, burst* "Lulz"...  Now should there be a blanket list, that's a touchy subject and I honestly don't know.  I would just like to be able to add names on my faction computer and know that when my friends are out playing they're not gonna get taken by the same punk who took me.  Izual still has fine points though, it wasn't right in the old way either.  I can't suggest a better way though.   

/two cents.
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2010, 08:08:19 am »

Would it be possible in the game to create some kind of diary to automaticaly red tag someone ? For example if you shoot at someone you never shot at in the past you are automaticaly red tagged for this person...


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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2010, 08:30:02 am »

For, we need it, if the actual session is totally mad it's all due to this lack !

Actually : you are good or evil or neutral.

With old name Colorising : you can be evil but "frequentable", you can be good but "crazy", etc.

The point is that we need nuances.

EDIT : to people who are against, when it was working, you never were forced to use a namecolorising, let bring it back, people who want use it will use it, other not, and everyone will be happy :).
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 08:35:57 am by Kinkin »
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