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Author Topic: Bring back old colourizing  (Read 25472 times)


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Bring back old colourizing
« on: November 16, 2010, 09:39:58 pm »

Bring back old colourizing:

 The n.1 reason why colourizing was downgraded was that it will destory big alliances and it will allow existance of small gangs, that could i.e. control towns.

 Many players, me too, told that this process is not reversible, that colourizing is not equal to alliances. But this is test server, we tested it and we were right with our opinion.

 1) Downgrade of NC cause that you we are no longer "trading" names among ally gangs, so it is necessary to tag green ally player before fight, but this cause spectrum of problems:

 a) every new char that is created have to do tag and been tagged by others, it is annoying
 b) of course, we developed tactic to make common tent before fight and tag there every alli player green, but if any player arrives later, sometimes he died because of FF, because of coordination of 15 plus players is not piece of cake. In general, it is annoying
 c) i dont know if this is only my problem, but often (1/2 of cases), if i tag player by colour, name has still same coulour until (log off and log in)
 2) Because you cannot simply import and export enemy names into NC, teams do not use red colour to tag enemy player:

 a) every non green player is considered as a threat, so even friends of one team is often killed, because it is impossible to handle this situation
 b) we cannot green tag friends, because this colour is important for TC and PvP to recognize our combat alli players
 3) Because we cannot tag friends, neutral gangs, even recognize one enemy gang from another, TC/PvP policy of major gangs are reduced to: you are member of alli, you have to help us, or you are enemy, we will shoot you on sight (because we just dont remember non alting regular players and cant recognize them from scouts/looters of enemy)

 4) Because we cannot add special colourz to individuals, roleplayers, small gang, .... it also reduce the policy of gangs to hostile / not hostile
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2010, 09:42:50 pm »

Against. I like it how I meet unknown guys in the wasteland and give them a chance, instead of having them instantly recognized by a database I downloaded on my faction's website.

Namecolorizing's gone and I like it like that. Yeah. :P
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2010, 09:46:22 pm »

bring it back for points made by Lordus, it doesn't stop alliances in anyway, it just makes it more tedious.
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2010, 09:48:26 pm »

Against. I like it how I meet unknown guys in the wasteland and give them a chance, instead of having them instantly recognized by a database I downloaded on my faction's website.

Namecolorizing's gone and I like it like that. Yeah. :P

  4) Because we cannot add special colourz to individuals, roleplayers, small gang, .... it also reduce the policy of gangs to hostile / not hostile..

 this is accelerate during TC or PvP, where we just dont have time to chat and at moment, when we are guarding stuff from our dead players, we are have to kill everyone
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2010, 09:48:35 pm »

Against. I like it how I meet unknown guys in the wasteland and give them a chance, instead of having them instantly recognized by a database I downloaded on my faction's website.

Namecolorizing's gone and I like it like that. Yeah. :P

A gang member from big gang have for sure something special on him to recognize him, same to butcher or just peace civilian.

We want it back!


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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2010, 09:49:31 pm »

Big gangs should be got something that they can see who is their side and who is enemy.
So this is good suggestion for big gangs.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 08:04:41 pm by runboy93 »


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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2010, 09:54:31 pm »

this is accelerate during TC or PvP, where we just dont have time to chat and at moment, when we are guarding stuff from our dead players, we are have to kill everyone

Then Town Control seems to be the problem, not namecolorizing. Anyway then I suggest a middle solution: Another color, like blue, as an alternative. This would be quite a good compromise.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2010, 10:00:19 pm »

Then Town Control seems to be the problem, not namecolorizing. Anyway then I suggest a middle solution: Another color, like blue, as an alternative. This would be quite a good compromise.

 Week later, TTLA tried to settle a deal with Rogues because of roleplay in Redding. We did not attacked Rogues, but there were Chosen soldiers, but we did not have chance to recognize them...

 TC problem.. tell me, what is more simple, bring back old colourizing with possibility to make alliances, neutral pacts, respecting of roleplayres and players that help you, or cure the TC problems..
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2010, 10:02:08 pm »

Alas, there are other players in this game than TC-PvPers, people that don't care about TC and that don't want Namecolorizing to be back just because VSB couldn't recognize Chosen Soldiers or Rogues, etc.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2010, 10:04:51 pm »

Alas, there are other players in this game than TC-PvPers, people that don't care about TC and that don't want Namecolorizing to be back just because VSB couldn't recognize Chosen Soldiers or Rogues, etc.

 Yes, so this kind of players have possibility to choose if they want to use NC or not.

 Constant number of PvP players are very big part of fonline, and they needs this. The possible worst thing of absence of NC is that somebody will create something similar to FOCD and it will be like now. Players violating rules because of FOCD and fast relog will dominate peoples who follow rules...
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2010, 10:09:27 pm »

Constant number of PvP players are very big part of fonline, and they needs this.
I don't know if you mean that FOnline needs PvP players - if then, I disagree, this game doesn't need pro-PvPers. If you mean that Namecolorizing is needed for PvP players, then I also disagree. In a more general way, I'm against implementing huge features like Namecolorizing.txt (not that it requires much work to implement it again, but its consequences are huge) just because they are useful when team Y takes town X.

The possible worst thing of absence of NC is that somebody will create something similar to FOCD and it will be like now.
Maybe, or maybe it's impossible. The only ones to know are devs, so I suggest we don't use this argument again :P
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2010, 10:19:13 pm »

It can be solved by PC faction members list. But there's a problem, if character just created (another alt) and not in a gang, it won't work is such way:
1) Instantly make all members of your faction green or blue or any other friendly color without needing to colorize yourself.
2) Develop PC factions further by creating possibility in terminal to add ally-factions. All members of these factions will be some other friendly color for you. It'll be better if green will be your own color that you tag in-game, blue - for your faction, and teal - your allies.
3) Add enemy faction in terminal from PC faction list, they will be purple or orange for you.

Problem #1: Enemies' characters aren't always in the same faction, but there's also:
Problem #2: Thier friends won't recognize them too.
Non-Problem: Your allies will be always teal color for you, just make sure that he is in faction, if not, then you have to tag him green yourself.

So all you need is just add every newly created character to your faction, and your allies must do the same, if it's impossible by some reason, then you'll have to tag him, or "friends of faction" in terminal will have some color too, so even if someone is in NPC faction because of some needs, he could be friend of faction and have special color, the same as friend of allied for you faction.

Edit: So, it won't affect strangers who DLing your NC, because they simply can't do it, but faction members will still use some kind of NC.
So these strangers will need to be your friends or in your faction, and well then they're not strangers.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 10:21:16 pm by RavenousRat »


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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2010, 10:44:09 pm »

I don't know if you mean that FOnline needs PvP players - if then, I disagree, this game doesn't need pro-PvPers. If you mean that Namecolorizing is needed for PvP players, then I also disagree. In a more general way, I'm against implementing huge features like Namecolorizing.txt (not that it requires much work to implement it again, but its consequences are huge) just because they are useful when team Y takes town X.

 Socializing is also part of every game. Until Fonline will offers mainly PvP, there will exist majority of communities that are here because of PvP.

 What is consequence of downgrading nc this era? More teams in TC? Less PK? Or more annoying, confusing, frienfly fire?

 This absolutely dont solve anything. And you will still have change to install or uninstall NC if you want.
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2010, 10:48:24 pm »

And you will still have change to install or uninstall NC if you want.

Socializing is also part of every game. Until Fonline will offers mainly PvP, there will exist majority of communities that are here because of PvP.
This is why we need Namecolorizing to be away from this game. I think the major source of our disagreement here is that in your opinion, we need Namecolorizing to socialize, and I think we need it to disappear to socialize. In your opinion, it brought more pking; that's not what I think.

What is consequence of downgrading nc this era? More teams in TC? Less PK?
Precisely. Don't know about you - member of some kind of anti-pk alliance - but when I meet an unknown guy in the desert, I'm not shooting him down. It is much more interesting to have to memorize people, to talk to them and to have to make an effort to try to see if he's an hostile being or not, than to just download the .txt from your team's website.
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Re: Bring back old colourizing
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2010, 10:49:59 pm »

Lordus.. is that hard to get that it don't come game again.
I know that they try to make something that replace that old system, but without harming other systems.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 08:05:16 pm by runboy93 »
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