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Author Topic: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]  (Read 2814 times)

Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
« on: November 16, 2010, 01:04:02 am »

    Banking Development Suggestions

    I'll start by saying that I would really like to see the developers taking the player's suggestions more seriously, because from what I've seen here there's some pretty good ideas for this fantastic game and it's a shame that it's not better than it should be, the player's know things! some times they exaggerate and in a game like this with so many types of players and mentalities PK's and all, there will always be controversy though I think all ideas should be fairly debated in the interest of further game development and not personal interest. there for I think this game could still maintain the title of hardcore but change something that would improve the game in the aspect of role-play and helping new players and lone players thus having a minor rate of quitting players. That said let's proceed!!  

    SOOO.. I was searching here in the forum and I found an idea that people did NOT pay much attention or even did NOT want to!
    It's about how the bank should be improved so that you can store items in it ! NOT JUST CAPS!

    I started thinking on how things would generally improve and most of the problems with gathering, would obviously be the same, but having this new way of insurance, you wouldn't fear so much in losing precious items that you took so long to get, it would improve the game play for every one in various aspects especially for beginners thus the real problem is when you start the game and you are by yourself there is no one to help you , you are all alone in harsh world full of "bastards" (this is only a game don't take it personally) that want to kill you for loot OR FOR FUN and get real!!! in this game is difficult to level your character so for beginners it is almost impossible.
    And now for the Banking Development Suggestions:

    • Making a new bank interface
    An interface more user-friendly more like when you store things in a locker for example
    it would be some thing more or less like this:

    • A pin code to open your bank account
    With the new interface (and scripts and all to make that work) a new quantity of items would be stored and also could be transferred  to other accounts and then we will witness the birth to a new way of scam, account scam so to avoid that every player could set his own four digit pin code to avoid being robbed!!
    it should be some thing more or less like this:

    • World wide account
    Instead of banks having separate accounts , all banks around the Fonline world would be connected to the same account, so that players don't need to travel a lot trough this dangerous world just because you have a good weapon or a good amount of caps that you really need... it will be the same account for all the banks.. and why? LOL there are train stations right?? so why in the name of The Church of the Children of the Atom there wouldn't be correspondence and exchange between banks??? that's just retarded![/list]
    Hope you reply a lot (and good I hope)


    I would like like to say a few words before I begin, I do not wish to insult anyone and I hope that no one feels that way, what I've stated about the developers is not saying that they do not care about suggestions, it was just a kind of wish of better understanding between the community again in the interest of further game development, in helping new players just like myself in a difficult game like Fonline, the idea isn't to make it easer it is to make the game a bit more accessible to starting players and as suggested in the replies I will  add the following details: (so I will keep the original idea BUT adding a few details will perhaps make it more acceptable to all)

    • Remove the pin code feature suggestion
    Pin code is then not needed. Banks store money and only your character can access it.
    That's what the developer said , so I must trust the opinion and also agree

    • Remove the World Wide Banking suggestion
    Although it is a good idea it isn't good for Fonline it would take the fun of the need to travel and i will Quote:
    I'm not in favor of 1 bank account per player for all banks.
    The current system forces you to travel if you have caps spread over several banks.
    Having it accessible at 1 bank removes the need to travel thus stimulating a situation where people stay around the same town even more.
    I'm not a fan of reducing the risk of travel either. If you could transport stuff around without actually carrying it you could transfer to one place and then meet it there. Risk is good. It might be "easier" to have a global account, that doesn't automatically make it a good thing.
    • New bank interface and functions suggestion (altered)
    I do still think that it is a great idea no doubt, but the thing is that it would be at some time a luxury for those that do not really need it so I Quote:
    I think item storage should be small and paid for.
    100 caps for a bank account, 100 caps for storage.
    Storage should be allowed till you reach level 5 or till you have a tent.
    I hope that now this idea can be accepted by all.

    « Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 09:09:29 pm by lithiumfury »


    • So long and THANKS for all the fish!
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    Re: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
    « Reply #1 on: November 16, 2010, 01:20:01 am »

    I like your idea.

     But i think that it was already suggested.
    So long and THANKS for all the fish!
    Re: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
    « Reply #2 on: November 16, 2010, 01:31:57 am »

    I like your idea.

     But i think that it was already suggested.

    Yes! like I said in the beginning "I was searching on the forum...and..." I just gave it a new life , some more details... well the works because I really do think this is a great idea . I give all the credits to who originally had it , I just have good ideas and strong arguments I ask for nothing in change besides attention and the only thing I want to achieve is a good game development! And I try to fully understand the complex action/reaction in the forum for example a very simple suggestion is almost always ignored while other suggestion more complex and detailed one's are more debated there for I gave it wings to fly! Nothing more!
    Re: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
    « Reply #3 on: November 16, 2010, 01:32:53 am »

    every player could set his own four digit pin code to avoid being robbed!!
    Umm, with pin code someone might just guess it and most accounnts will be robbed in no time... So this idea isn't that good.

    But other ideas are good: Deposit ITEMS in bank and global banking...
     Guitar Hero: Fallout
    Re: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
    « Reply #4 on: November 16, 2010, 01:41:31 am »

    About pin codes, the pin code of the player "x" isn't available to the player "z" in it's own game account, it's to prevent account hacking or scam that after logging in the account of player "x" they have to discover the pin code, so it means that to really scam someone it will be quite difficult because 1st the scamer needs to know the player name and password and then when they are all greedy going to the bank BOINK pin code!!! understand now?
    Re: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
    « Reply #5 on: November 16, 2010, 01:45:18 am »

    Item storage should be small, just to last people long enough to build a tent.

    Major towns should have updated account info considering the return of civilsation and all.  So another thumbs up for connected city wide accounts.
    Re: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
    « Reply #6 on: November 16, 2010, 01:51:01 am »

    Item storage should be small, just to last people long enough to build a tent.

    Major towns should have updated account info considering the return of civilsation and all.  So another thumbs up for connected city wide accounts.

    I Totally agree with the fact that item storage should be small , but it would be a great help for beginners and maybe the perfect place to store something very important that "you" don't really want to lose!!
    Re: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
    « Reply #7 on: November 16, 2010, 10:03:22 am »

    I think item storage should be small and paid for.
    100 caps for a bank account, 100 caps for storage.

    Storage should be allowed till you reach level 5 or till you have a tent.
    Once you've achieved either 1 your storage in canceled and any items left go into the banker's inventory for trading purposes.
    This includes caps you've kept in your storage.

    I'm not in favor of 1 bank account per player for all banks.
    The current system forces you to travel if you have caps spread over several banks.
    Having it accessible at 1 bank removes the need to travel thus stimulating a situation where people stay around the same town even more.
    « Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 10:05:36 am by HertogJan »


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    Re: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
    « Reply #8 on: November 16, 2010, 10:47:42 am »

    It's not true that low level leveling is hard. Level 3 is basicly free, no skills needed. Make some quests, avoid an encouter or two, kill radscorpions, heal yourself after death, craft some ammo or spears. 
    Getting skins for a tent is, or can be, hard. Hotels suck or are full. You need way to many items. These are the real problems and a bank upgrade will not help.
    Again I see this as a fix to shift items to alts.
    Give an idiot a carrot and he'll cut himself.
    Re: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
    « Reply #9 on: November 16, 2010, 01:39:53 pm »

    Again I see this as a fix to shift items to alts.

    A "storage deposit box" should be bound to 1 account by using a unique number, just like a bank account.
    Items can't be transferred to another account's storage nor can they be deposited in 1.


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    Re: Banking Development Suggestions [MUST SEE]
    « Reply #10 on: November 16, 2010, 01:45:53 pm »

    I'll start by saying that I would really like to see the developers taking the player's suggestions more seriously

    Plenty of ideas have been taken. Plenty of ideas have been discussed and rejected. Virtually all serious suggestions at least get read by me.

    I advise you don't comment on things you don't know about.

    As for the ideas.
    Storage in banks is not needed. Storage elsewhere can (and will) be improved elsewhere (factions, more hotels).

    Pin code is then not needed. Banks store money and only your character can access it.

    I'm not a fan of reducing the risk of travel either. If you could transport stuff around without actually carrying it you could transfer to one place and then meet it there. Risk is good. It might be "easier" to have a global account, that doesn't automatically make it a good thing.
    Quote from: Woodrow Wilson
    If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
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