Other > Gang Issues

List of pks

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--- Quote from: Reiniat on November 23, 2010, 01:30:32 am ---shit i see a man near junktown with 10 npc followers
he is a pk

--- End quote ---

No se puede tener nunca más de 5 seguidores NPCs.

te juro que este tio los tenia, preguntale a doomhell.
solo se quedaba ahi parado y dejaba que sus escavos hicieran el trabajo sucio, i me lo voy encontrando 2 veces
tiene un nombre polaco pero no se quien es

english please

Now this is sad.Really.

I killed one of you members the other day.And im still not on the list.

Also the rogues list isnt complete there are new people now that is the old list so sorry to break your hopes you C.S!

WTF o.O someone is mad.
What for list like that? PK is one of best tings in this game & if someone dont like this cane symply dont play or play in non online follout.


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