Other > Gang Issues

List of pks

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--- Quote from: Swiatowid on November 26, 2010, 12:00:21 am ---WTF o.O someone is mad.
What for list like that? PK is one of best tings in this game & if someone dont like this cane symply dont play or play in non online follout.
--- End quote ---

What's your problem, you are worried someone will hunt you? If you don't like this, simply don't play or play in non online fallout :)
And use damn spell checker.

two more for the List:

wizard, energyweaponcrit

GanDJubaS, just a gridcamping d....ss in Bh with M60

anyuta, if u make "good" screens, i can add that chars in BL APK228  ;) (GanDJubaS, already have screens, adding in progress)

We encountered 3 little thiefs   ;)


They looted our Recruit base. Our poor recruits... Not nice.

Oh yeah, and they are Argentinians, the VC stands for Villa Crespo or something. A word of advice from us, keep an eye open for those characteristics when you recruit.

u cane add my 2 charakters
BorgNagar & lKATl


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