Other > Gang Issues

TC bugged - > Jackpot

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you guys still dont get something.. :D
we made few milions of caps afer 2weeks of playing after wipe and to be honest we really dont need more. becouse we mulitply this money many of times, ofcourse thanks to cheats, exploits and by using proxy ;)  its funny.. you playing this game form over a year and you still dont know how to get infinity number of caps ?

btw. Rogues have bought about 60-70 mutants
we will hire mutants drivers - paying in caps!

Just let them have their own fun to end of wipe; devs wont help so much with it, sad but true. They pwn everything again with exploit/bug as usual in history of this game.

Only war never changes ;)


--- Quote from: MeganFox on November 14, 2010, 08:48:20 pm ---Just let them have their own fun to end of wipe; devs wont help so much with it, sad but true. They pwn everything again with exploit/bug as usual in history of this game.

--- End quote ---
Owwww so sad :( Now you whine cuz you can't even beat rogues, poor CS ;(

maszrum please, don't reply to flame. If you have any suggections or something intresstant to say, say it. But we don't need of your stupid comment.
And if i say: "TC should be reset"

This is only from this rule:

"- Exploiting a bug or abusing of a feature (this includes security failures in guarded towns)."

Come on guys, there is nothing Rogues can do about it. How could that be an exploit in any way? 


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