Other > Gang Issues

TC bugged - > Jackpot

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Hi, i'm new here, someone explain me what's this thread about?

If it's about some bug [with TC], it should be posted here or here, depends how serious this bug is.
If it's about "omg they have muties and we don't!", it should be posted here.
If it's about lack of skills in commanding mutant mercenaries, it should be posted here.
If it's about problems with banks interest rate (which is currently 1% in BH, btw), it should be posted here.

...but i'm lost, cos when i don't count this options, i see only Yet Another Flame Thread. Someone please lead me in dark alleys of this sub-board... thank you. Danny? Tim or Tom? Halp.

i heard in radio during madbrahmin propaganda that Rogues daily income from bank interest is more than one milion caps. so i agree, that their tactics to control cities is only to prevent other teams to get to money.

 yes, it is a huge difference if you can lost 10 supermutants per day and dont care about it...

Dark Angel:

--- Quote from: Lordus on November 14, 2010, 04:06:18 pm ---i heard in radio during madbrahmin propaganda that Rogues daily income from bank interest is more than one milion caps. so i agree, that their tactics to control cities is only to prevent other teams to get to money.

 yes, it is a huge difference if you can lost 10 supermutants per day and dont care about it...

--- End quote ---

Stupid propaganda , we should destroy this shitty radio !

Town control should be reset until this bug is not fix...

It doesnt matter now.

Anyway i think that every team(at least some rich man from team) what own some city have money on lot of mutants.

If it is bug, then its bad, for game. But i dont think so, that its so big problem for us, for teams which must fight Rogues.


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