1. The Rogues aren't Broken Hills Hunters, and Broken Hills Hunters "make RPG" in BH.
2. Uranium can be dug by everyone, no one tells you to pay for it. Same with other HQ resources.
3. Professions can be taken by everyone, no one tells you to pay for it.
4. As was said many times, BHH do not give any caps to the Rogues.
5. Klamath and Gecko is too far from southern towns, few players go there.
6. If the Rogues wanted to make caps out of Broken Hills, then they would take control over it and take all money for them. As the Rogues control now most of the northern cities, it's no a big deal to capture Broken Hills again and start shooting everyone on sight. I guess then all would be happy and VSB/TTTLA would be even happier because they could spread more bullshit about them as the only true saviors and police of the wasteland.
And the last, most important:
BHH was joined also by many people that have absolutely nothing to do with the Rogues. The footlocker can be opened by everyone. So how are the Rogues supposed to take money out of BH? Wait next to the footlocker and force people to give cash?
All of this was said few times before. You must be either dumb or troll. Or both, and I guess that's it.