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Author Topic: The announcement from mayor of BH  (Read 38151 times)

Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2010, 05:57:32 am »

who said that we want to be a AntiPK? City just safe at all, but only for those who behave himself well. We dont kill there even our enemies from others parts of westland.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 10:20:23 am by Antacid »


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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2010, 10:49:29 am »

Depends what do you think when you're talking about AntiPK. For some people being AntiPK is to shoot anyone who is armed. If I meet some so called AntiPK guys on the wastes when I'm dressed in Brotherhood Armor and wielding Gatling Laser and don't shoot, I'm sure someone will think something like "He has hi-tech and expensive gear, he must be PK, chaaarge!", but someone will think "OK, leave him alone,  if he don't shoot he don't want to fight". So as you see, the AntiPK have different meaning.
Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2010, 11:36:55 am »

Depends what do you think when you're talking about AntiPK. For some people being AntiPK is to shoot anyone who is armed. If I meet some so called AntiPK guys on the wastes when I'm dressed in Brotherhood Armor and wielding Gatling Laser and don't shoot, I'm sure someone will think something like "He has hi-tech and expensive gear, he must be PK, chaaarge!", but someone will think "OK, leave him alone,  if he don't shoot he don't want to fight". So as you see, the AntiPK have different meaning.

Your first example of AntiPK - He is not APK, he is just fool if he want to shoot you only because stuff. And people who shooting other only for stuff(fun?) are exactly same people who now doing project in BH. Maybe not now, but in past they did lot of it.
They killed to many of our crafters only because hammer or my new blue shoes and you think that now i want be gentle on them ? No ! And its not all, if you meet them in another city, not in BH, they will kill you without any reason, same as true PK's.
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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2010, 11:41:08 am »

I think you all just need to get laid, then wasteland will quickly become less harsh and trigger friendly.  :P
Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2010, 12:02:47 pm »

Why i keep asking myself why some of your posts are not in junk ...

Your last post, was ABSOLUTE useless ...
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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2010, 12:31:21 pm »

if you meet them in another city, not in BH, they will kill you without any reason, same as true PK's.


Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2010, 02:45:46 pm »

Why i keep asking myself why some of your posts are not in junk ...

Your last post, was ABSOLUTE useless ...
Surf Soral is THE PERFECT TROLL, and why? Because he is untouchable, because he is a Global Moderator. He can't be punished for pissing people off. Few people(me) said that in public, but these posts went to Junk very quickly. This one is probably going there very soon too, and I can be punished. I don't care, I said what I really think and that makes me proud.


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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2010, 02:54:38 pm »

I didnt even mean to troll, was rather serious.
The thing I see here is something good, people create things ingame finally (Broken Hills).
But, as usual, there are opposing people saying "me no liek, me destroy" or flame wars on the forum.
Everything I suggested in a more "joking" way is that people shall just need to calm a bit down, and try to have fun
playing the game, rather running around with ffffuuuu.jpg as their faces. Just settle down a bit, this is even in the description of this subforum here.
Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2010, 03:08:25 pm »

Guys, Broken Hills is town with biggest cash per hour. Every gang want to have control in this city... Think about it - Why The rouges are making "RPG" in this city? To make as big cash as it is possible. But not only cash. They got one uranium spawn in game, 2 professions, HQ mine. They make rpg because they want to make money on it. I'm not saying that this RPG project is stupid, but The Rogues don't have pure intentions about it. :) Klamath or Gecko is same interesting place to make RGP as BH. Rouges don't even protect mine. You can go to Gecko mine and you will get same.

You are here for money guys, true? :)
Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2010, 03:31:12 pm »

1. The Rogues aren't Broken Hills Hunters, and Broken Hills Hunters "make RPG" in BH.
2. Uranium can be dug by everyone, no one tells you to pay for it. Same with other HQ resources.
3. Professions can be taken by everyone, no one tells you to pay for it.
4. As was said many times, BHH do not give any caps to the Rogues.
5. Klamath and Gecko is too far from southern towns, few players go there.
6. If the Rogues wanted to make caps out of Broken Hills, then they would take control over it and take all money for them. As the Rogues control now most of the northern cities, it's no a big deal to capture Broken Hills again and start shooting everyone on sight. I guess then all would be happy and VSB/TTTLA would be even happier because they could spread more bullshit about them as the only true saviors and police of the wasteland.

And the last, most important:
BHH was joined also by many people that have absolutely nothing to do with the Rogues. The footlocker can be opened by everyone. So how are the Rogues supposed to take money out of BH? Wait next to the footlocker and force people to give cash?

All of this was said few times before. You must be either dumb or troll. Or both, and I guess that's it.

Doctor Eex

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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2010, 03:36:55 pm »

Another one obsessed with caps.
For all retarded guys : Rogues don't get neither caps nor uranium.

And if you want to mine safe, please inform BHH members of your intentions. We make patrol sweeps, but no one will stay in the mine guarding rocks if there's nobody in the mine. Just read carefully my post in Broken Hills thread about security and kills.
If you get murdered, please make a screenshot, then post it.

To moderators:

This tread meant to be in faction announcements, not in gang issues.
Appreciate if it be moved.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 03:45:10 pm by Doctor Eex »
Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2010, 04:09:07 pm »

2. Uranium can be dug by everyone, no one tells you to pay for it. Same with other HQ resources.
He probably meant uranium that shows up in the locker, not the one you can dig.
6. If the Rogues wanted to make caps out of Broken Hills, then they would take control over it and take all money for them.
But that wouldn't be the same. They would only gain caps and items. And now, if it's true that it is for money, they would gain: stuff, caps, fame - reputation, people, explanation why etc. I'm just showing that your argument number 6 is invalid as I see it. I don't know if Rogues help BHH for caps or not. And I don't care, if they have right do do it ;)


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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2010, 06:16:35 pm »

Hololassima stop to debate with them, you are wasting your time. We are alone against every PK of this server, and you know, there is a looooot of PK on this server.
[My signature was too big, like Jescri's dick]
Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2010, 06:36:58 pm »

Hololassima stop to debate with them, you are wasting your time. We are alone against every PK of this server, and you know, there is a looooot of PK on this server.

So stop this flame dear ''anti pks''

BHH was joined also by many people that have absolutely nothing to do with the Rogues. The footlocker can be opened by everyone. So how are the Rogues supposed to take money out of BH? Wait next to the footlocker and force people to give cash?

hahah Yes Kilgore it's big true  ! They Only talk about Money !
Virtu Invited me to BHH and as i know BH give only 30-40k per day so it's nothing. and That Locker belong to BHH , not for Rogues . Please remember it anit pk :)



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Re: The announcement from mayor of BH
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2010, 06:44:12 pm »

i will not continue in this flame, but i want to tell you one thing:

 Wait for next wipe and then see, who is killing players to get their stuff and post wipe advantage from parasiting on wastelanders.. I hope i would be able to visit Broken Hills safely like now  ;)
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
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