As we can see, there are many bluesuits around even when staff is easily obtained due to "limited" economy this season. Most of the bluesuits can afford some armor, but they have no reason to do that when they are somewhat safe in a city. This even encourages stealing when you have really nothing to lose. I expect raging from thieves and newbies, but wasteland is ha.. no no , this suggestion is aimed to make fonline better game, not to frustrate you more.
So the basic idea is to divide merchants by armor required to trade with them. It is quite logical to assume this, if I am well-known merchant with quality stuff, I wouldn't bother dealing with someone poor, judging just by his appearance. Of course, most of the merchants are mostly interested in your caps, but time is money so they would surely prefer someone good-looking in a new combat armor. Thus, there should be 4 categories:
-No-class merchants from poor areas, requiring no armor, such as: Klamath, Modoc, every bar merchant
-C-class merchants requiring leather jacket+ in areas: Den, Gecko, NCR, Necropolis, Broken Hills, Redding, Boneyard
-B-class merchants requiring leather armor+ in areas: Hub, Vault City, Redding, New Reno, San Francisco
-A-class merchants representing rich merchants requiring metal armor+ in areas: Jacob(Hub), Gunrunners(Fortress)
Cities are divided into each category as an example, we can discuss which city should belong to which category. It's just stupid to see bluesuit at gunrunners with inventory full of miniguns, rockets etc.
Then we have thieves that have some place in fonline, but nowadays, they are rather bothering meanies than real skilled pickpockets. They have nothing to lose, just time, so I propose they should wear at least leather jacket in order to blend in with the crowd. With no armor, there should be penalty to steal, maybe -100% or less. I'm sure that it might help them as well, because now I'm considering every bluesuit in town as a possible threat due to the fact mentioned above, so I keep my eyes open. With an armor, they can be more successful and they should plan their victims, not just steal from every player they see.