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Author Topic: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own  (Read 7646 times)

Re: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2010, 07:42:55 pm »

If I have 4ST as opposed to 5ST I won't be able to get Small Frame (38kg is not enough), so I won't actually get any attribute points by lowering ST. I'll follow RavenWolf's advice.

I agree with Fridge_Man on this.
For a SG burster, 4 ST is enough.
If you take my suggestion, you can take 3 ST and use the One Hander perk (instead of 4 ST and Small Frame).
It gives you +20% when it comes to using one handed weapons like P90c and SMG and this way you're carry weight is 7 heigher.
One hander compensates the -20% for being 1 ST short on the requirements for P90c and SMG.
Downside is it does -40 on 2 handed weapons.


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Re: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2010, 02:52:39 am »

I could easily call the carry weight a preferential matter, but there's one more thing:

If I want to limit myself to 4ST weapons, I might as well just do Hertog's 3ST+One-hander thing. Hertog's build will be able to carry 45kg, but won't be able to use 2-handed weapons, but neither will a 4ST build since there are no noteworthy 4ST 2-handed weapons.

Once again, a 4ST build has no redeemable qualities whatsoever. This narrows our choice to either getting a 3ST or 5ST (with small frame) build. However, this is mostly a question of preference once again.

Hertog's build:
ST3 PE6 EN8 CH3 IN6 AG8 LK6 (but with the one-hander trait it's as if he had 4ST for weapon requirements)

The build I have in mind:
ST5 PE6 EN6 CH3 IN7 AG8 LK6 (including small frame bonus)

-They have the same carry weight.
-Let's assume one build will get the same perks as the other (awareness, 2x toughness, 2x lifegiver, 2x action boy) since there are no perks (that aren't available to the other build) that could give one build a significant advantage over the other.
-Hertog's gets 22 more HP but cannot wield 2-handed weapons.

So that's what the decision narrows down to : 222HP with SMGs or 200HP with assault rifles.

It's hard to decide, but I still have one question that might help me break the stalemate: Do I only need to take drugs when I get talk to the trainer or do I have to take drugs every time I craft?


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Re: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2010, 03:49:10 am »

Only when you talk to the trainer.
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Re: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2010, 04:16:15 pm »

if you're going one handed burst you should use a SMG and work on getting 3 bursts per turn out of it. in RT you will want to use a more powerful weapon like assault rifle, since AP barely matters..

personally i suggest a sniper build, but im in no mood to discuss serious builds in a thread with trolls and newbies, so if you want to learn more about what i have to say just pm me.


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Re: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2010, 06:47:29 am »

A Burster-Small guns crafter:

S 03
P 06
E 08
C 03
I 06
A 08
L 06

One Hander & Good Natured - One Hander to solve the low St penalty when shooting. Good Natured for a little boost in FA and for a quest in the Boneyard.

Small Guns, First Aid and Outdoorsman.

3: Awareness/Toughness
6: Awareness/ Toughness
9: Awareness/Toughness
12: Lifegiver
15: Lifegiver
18: Bonus Rate of Fire
21: Action Boy

Spend Skill points in Small Guns (~150), First Aid (100) and Outdoorsman (100). Spend also in Repair (take it to 120) and Science (100).

By Level 21 you will have 222 hp, 10 ap and get professions:
-Gunsmith (Small Guns) 2 & Armorer 2, or
-Gunsmith 3 & Armorer 1

Probably the first thing you should do is go down to L.A. and do this quest ( BEFORE you even get to level 2.

You could become a slaver to make some caps or mine, even though you will have low charisma (wich you can raise with beer to be able to take 2 slaves).

At low levels I would craft a 10mm Pistol and a Shotgun (use it only when an enemy gets really close to you).
At mid levels I would use a Magnum Revolver/ Desert Eagle and a Grease Gun SMG until I get Gunsmith 2, then I would switch to 14mm Pistol and 10mm SMG.
At level 21 I would use HK P90c and probably the .223 Pistol.

The tent could be placed near Shady Sands or The Hub. It might be a good idea to make a new one in the north later, maybe near Broken Hill, or Modoc, and use the train if you want to go south quickly.

Obviously this character can defend himself in a fight and get his own equipment. The bad part is that he still needs to buy tier 3 gear (at least armor) from other people, and won't be able to carry many slaves or mercs.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 07:08:33 am by Eternauta »


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Re: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2010, 11:21:59 pm »

Alright, I started a 3-6-8-3-6-8-6 build, since it seems to be the most popular one for burst character. No AR will make things a bit trickier, but it's no big deal.

Next time I'll do something a bit wackier.


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Re: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own
« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2010, 12:16:00 am »

It's a good idea to try and get "more" critical perks if you dont wanna take toughness, since the weapon boost, its not as usfule.


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« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 12:36:13 am by Michaelh139 »
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Re: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own
« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2010, 04:03:52 am »

Burster with 3 str? Are you going to take weapon handling?
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Re: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own
« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2010, 05:24:55 am »

A Burster-Small guns crafter:


its better tht to take aromrer lvl1 first


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Re: Challenge: A character who can make it on his own
« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2010, 05:51:17 am »

Burster with 3 str? Are you going to take weapon handling?

No, dude. SMGs and pistols need 4 STR to use properly. If you take One Handed, you can forget about the low STR penalty because of the bonus you get when using guns/SMGs.

its better tht to take aromrer lvl1 first

I don't remember telling the guy to take gunsmith first. But anyway, that's his choice.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 05:53:01 am by Eternauta »
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