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What exactly does Luck effect?
I know it effects combat as in doing critical hits and you need it for some perks but what else does it do?
Low luck means critical misses, losing ammo and weapons breaking instantly
I think it also effect deterioration but im not sure.
* Doesn't affect deter, afaik.
* Luck also makes critical hits have more consequences on you:
- A sniper with 6 Luck shoots player with 1 Luck
- Player getting shot is going to get a lot more Knock-outs/downs/damage multipliers, than if he had 6 Luck.
@RavenousRat, I'm pretty sure both LK and EN affect it, for KnockDowns/Outs.
* Affects Dismantling (Using Science on) of Armors/Guns (more Luck = more materials you will probably get, but more-so affected by Science skill)
Yes, RavenousRat is right on First Aid though:
--- Quote ---With 6 luck, minimum for snipers/minigunners.
Skill 100, luck 6: Random ((10+6) * 100/100, skill) = Random (16, 100) = 58 HP healed on average (Roughly a free stimpak and a half)
Skill 125, luck 6: Random ((10+6)*125/100,skill) = Random (20,125) = 72.5 HP healed on average
Skill 150, luck 6: Random ((10+6)*150/100,skill) = Random (24,150) = 87 HP healed on average
Skill 175, luck 6: Random ((10+6)*175/100,skill) = Random (28,175) = 101.5 HP healed on average (Roughly a free super stimpak)
With 10 luck
Skill 100, luck 10: Random ((10+10) * 100/100, skill) = Random (20, 100) = 60 HP healed on average
Skill 125, luck 10: Random ((10+10)*125/100,skill) = Random (25,125) = 75 HP healed on average
Skill 150, luck 10: Random ((10+10)*150/100,skill) = Random (30,150) = 90 HP healed on average
Skill 175, luck 10: Random ((10+10)*175/100,skill) = Random (35,175) = 105 HP healed on average
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on November 03, 2010, 10:36:09 pm ---* Luck also makes critical hits have more consequences on you:
- A sniper with 6 Luck shoots player with 1 Luck
- Player getting shot is going to get a lot more Knock-outs/downs/damage multipliers, than if he had 6 Luck.
--- End quote ---
What? Why Knock downs and knock outs? It's EN, not LK. Also critical roll isn't dependant on LK, it's just 1d100 roll +better critical perk as +20, if character has it.
If someone critically shoots you, you making counter roll against: blinding, armor bypass, instakill.
So with 1 LK you'll be easily blinded, instakilled and your armor will have no effect most of time.
It also affects FA/Doc skills, as I know. Max HPs healed is always your FA%, min is dependant on this % and roll, LK gives bonus to that roll, so your min HP healed will be more with 10 LK, than with 1 LK. Probably doc works the same way.
Does it effect stealing?
So would low Luck be open for just killing NPCS of the wasteland?
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