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Fallout New Vegas + mods

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Get Bullet time + Sprinting + Bigger UI + Pre-Order Item Packages (All of em)

= New Vegas the way it was meant to be released...  ::) Trust me bullet time and sprinting is awsome (uses action points) Bigger UI is so that you dont have to scroll down to see all the dialog options, with that mod you will probably find a lot of dialog options you missed. The player tends to simply stick to the first 3 lines and not bother scrolling down.

If you get that pre-order package thingy you will start with a bunch of nerfed stuff. The Best-Buy Pre-Ord was the best one though, granting you Light Weight Metal Armour and a Grenade Rifle (plus other items) at level 1...

I don't recommend the pre-order packages unless your looking to play the game on "even easier"

I need mod change interface, can someone give me link or something about mod?  ;)

Slaver Snipe:

--- Quote from: Lordus on October 28, 2010, 10:41:52 pm ---I need more levels than 30 mod, does anyone knows something about it?

--- End quote ---

If you prefer not to grab a mod you can easily press the tilde key or whatever opens the console for you, and type in Setgs imaxcharacterlevel X (X being whatever # you want the max character level to be but you have to re enter that everytime you exit the game.

New mod for New Vegas, it's... you must see it Click (YouTube, +18). Second hot coffie? :P What the fu... ? :D

New Vegas is shittier than Fallout 3 i don't know why people bought it.they just complicated the game with crafting and shit


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