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Fallout New Vegas + mods

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Stalojsky Vladimir:
Hello everyone. I bought new Fallout and I must say the game is better than Fallout 3. Obsidian made good game. I love soundtrack from FO1/FO2, sounds and other from our old Fallouts.

Do you know mods who's good download? I need some help with find good mods for FO: NV. Please comment here and rate mods.

Slaver Snipe:
My personal opinion is waiting for a few months on anything that comes out on the oblivion engine, after that time modders do their job pretty well and make the games more fun but the game hasnt been out very long so the mods your looking for are unlikely to be very good, when they do come out most will be listed on http://www.newvegasnexus.com/

I need more levels than 30 mod, does anyone knows something about it?

John Ryder:
Fallout 2 didn't need mods to be playable. ::)


--- Quote from: John Ryder on October 28, 2010, 11:01:34 pm ---Fallout 2 didn't need mods to be playable. ::)

--- End quote ---

And? Besides this, you may forget that it was bug ridden piece of shit when it came out, almost unplayable with gamebreaking bugs without patches.
Also, Kilaps Mod puts much stuff into the game which should have been in there since the beginning.

What for you need more levels, Lordus? 30 are enough. Or do you want to create the next Jack Of All Traders Character?


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