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A slavery guide for newbies by newbie.

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But that doesnt work with followers. With mentats, u can lead them, but after that, it says: 'u cant lead group that size' or something similar, and you cant move. The only exception is: you can still lead them, but until first mous click (so if your destination is SF from VC, you can travel, until you encounter something).

I thought it works similar with slaves. Are you sure Jovanka?


--- Quote from: Chrupek on September 27, 2011, 10:26:36 am ---But that doesnt work with followers. With mentats, u can lead them, but after that, it says: 'u cant lead group that size' or something similar, and you cant move. The only exception is: you can still lead them, but until first mous click (so if your destination is SF from VC, you can travel, until you encounter something).

I thought it works similar with slaves. Are you sure Jovanka?

--- End quote ---

With 6 CH and magnetic personality you can lead 6 NPC / players on map. The formula is differnt for buying/enslaving and "leading". the point is you don't need 9 CH to use all 5 mercs / slaves, only to aquire them.

Or you mean that it doesn't work for real people? Of course, because you don't buy them.

Ok i see. I hope that this is a bug, not a feature. Because its pushing you to abuse, for saving SPECIAL points.

Similar case is: getting proffesion via drugs, but this is somehow logical: u have to be *not ugly* to get proffesion, but there is no need to be *not ugly* for crafting.

More logical will be opposite situation: anybody can buy, enslave people, but you have to be charismatic to force them go with you. enslaving is just punching/firing and using rope. Why the hell u need charisma for that?!

Slaver Snipe:
To make the stat useful? Otherwise why would anyone have ch higher than 3? Besides you get a massive boost in firepower for special points, so it's a fair trade off, you shouldn't be able to have a super powerbuild and still have 5 followers destroying people.

You dont get what i wrote Slaver. I have exact point as you.

charisma should be checked not only when u buy/enslave npcs, but when u travel too.


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