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dmg calculation for burst

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Hello fellow wastelanders!

I would like to know how damage for burst shots is calculated.
To make the question more precise: Is Damage treshold of target applied to every single shot of a burst (so if DT is 4, it would be 40 when target is hit with 10 bullets from a burst), or just one time for the whole burst?
Also: if you choose "Bonus Ranged Damage" perk, is the +2 damage applied to every shot of a burst (beeing 80 points damage extra for avenger minigun at point blank)??

Normal damage is calculated (please correct me if wrong)
standard damage rolled out x ammo modifiers - Damage treshold x Damage Resistance
for example (10mm gun, JHP ammo vs. metal armor mk2):
(15 x 2 -4DT)  x 0,38  =9,88 damage

So what if you use a 10mm smg instead of the gun, at point blank of course, to ensure all 10 bullets hit their target?

Is it just 10 x 9,88=98,8 damage?
(10 x 15 x2 -4DT)  x0,38= 112,48 damage?

Or am I using a totaly wrong formula?

I guess my formula is terribly wrong, or  DT is only applied to one shot, as otherwise someone with Brotherhood armor and 2x toughness perk (DT=12) would be imune to minigun fire, as minigun has maximum damage of 11 per bullet (without bonus ranged damage).

Both DT and BRD are applied to each bulltet.

Your formula looks ok, though I've only glanced at it. Though not all bullets in a burst will hit, unless you are 1 hex away. (Generally its about 1/3rd that wil hit)


So if you had (in theory) an advanced power armor MK2 with DT=18 you would be totaly immune to avenger minigun (except for critical hits)?
As avenger maximum damage is 11 per shot and 15 with 2x bonus ranged damage?

It doesn´t matter if DR is applied to every shot individualy or not, it´s just about the DT.

If you were using JHP ammo, thats right. AP ammo also makes it so DT is reduced to 1/3rd of its original value, so 18 becomes 6 and the Avenger can then cause damage.

Thank you, I´ve just found wiki entry concerning weapons and armor with penetrating perk.


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