OK then, presume 10 AP. p90c shoots twice, Avenger shoots once - 100 vs 90 and p90c does better damage.
If Fast Shot worked for bursts on aimable guns smallguns would be worth their salt.
If you want to make enemies, try to change something.
people u cannot do anything Solar knows better, unless some people who play with gms come and start suggesting something:TC too long devs changed itmilitia too strong devs changed itbig guns too strong, they nerfed ittoo much caps from TC, devs changed itit took them 4 weeks to do something about doing NONE - when someone was using militia to kill a sheriff after someone did it with tttla's city gm came and gave all sheriffs 3k hp 5 hours lateronly they knew when the wipe was coming b/c one of their gms told themso all u do here is pointlessthank youbtw people dont want to nerf avenger they say that p90 is useless weapon, u only have 2 burst that are not enough to kill anything, its range makes this weapon usless if u go againt other bg u cannot win at point blank and the weapon itself is expensive cannot be looted from any encounter, p90 supposed to be boostedthe only good thing i noticed is the ST required, u can have a bit better build if u put these 2 ST in AG