I am not in a big gang. I don't rob/pk people. So why should MY hard earned caps get wiped, ESPECIALLY, because of a broken system the DEVS came up with (item control through ridiculous cooldowns yet no such thing as PK/Robber cooldown? So when people screw up/servers screw up/etc, its a beta so suck it up but this one bug happens, big gangs whine, so all of a sudden we are getting a wipe?
Right now certain gang/s have EVEN MORE shit than they already have. Does it make it toughrer for other big gangs to compete? Well suck it up, wasteland is harsh. Loners/small groups have to compete with big gangs, its the same thing.
How about if gangs feel like they got too much shit they stop fucking people over/raiding hmm? Maybe they should give shit away?
People are tired of fighting because shit is boring. How many CLJ, MAMK2, BA fights have we seen? Where the hell is the good shit like the Power Armor, Gauss Rifles, Pulse Rifles, etc? Sitting in bases because people won't risk it because of almighty FLD (if there is any). Want to give people a way to show off their hard earned badass loot, disable FLD in GUARDED cities so they can brag all they want. Want to spice up TC? Maybe implement objective based TC like holding certain parts of a town for certain periods of time? I really can't think of a way to encourage people to use rare/T4 weapons besides getting rid of FLD (or even better just allow them in Hinkley).
The devs made this game a one trick pony when they made things like FLD/PVP a top priority. I mean if you pk/ambush people all day you are going to get a lot more shit then folks who rely on crafting.
Big gangs will ALWAYS have more shit than small gangs/loners, its just the nature of being able to kill/rob more people. Gangs who prefer to shoot first and not ask questions will get even more shit cause they are more likely to win fights (and more loot). It is stupid to punish little folks because of either a bug (again server problem, its a free beta, suck it up), even worse for the wrong reasons.
If a wipe is going to happen, do it because your going to implement cool new changes (for example making crafting different from pvp/SPECIAL, or lets say lowering or removing cooldowns), instead of OMGZ gangs have too much stuff (tagain they always have too much stuff).