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Author Topic: FOnline made me hate world PvP  (Read 3759 times)


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Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2010, 11:28:51 am »

you are all pathetic, cry more for your new crafted leather jacket and 10mm pistol

I have to second this here. This kind of pessimistic threads provide us nothing but bad mood.

If there's something troubling someone in our game, he should make a report where he states what's wrong and describes why and then tries to suggest a fix for it. But this thread is just repeating the well-known issue.
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Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2010, 11:32:25 am »

avv you are wrong, there is no issue or problem, the only problem here is cry babies
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Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2010, 11:33:12 am »

in WoW you cant block other player like in FOnline with blocking acces to mines or traders or blocking towns.

thats the beauty of fonline , its teamgame - join to some gang and chage it
Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2010, 11:44:28 am »

avv you are wrong, there is no issue or problem, the only problem here is cry babies

Proof positive people do not understand the finer points of a game.  But in any case it's not cry babies it's the testers of a game bringing up points that make it either fun or not worth their time.  If you can't offer some point of true contention, then perhaps you should step away from your keyboard and stop [crying] about cry babies.
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Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2010, 12:12:56 pm »

then perhaps you should step away from your keyboard and stop [crying] about cry babies.
mhm... sure... anyway its just waste of time to argue about PvP here, imo its good as it is, nothing more, nothing less
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Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2010, 12:21:58 pm »

avv you are wrong, there is no issue or problem, the only problem here is cry babies
Problem is both users. "Cry babies" and PK's.
PK's start to killing noobs -> noobs cry eyes off


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Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2010, 12:23:57 pm »

then perhaps you should step away from your keyboard and stop [crying] about cry babies.
true enough ;] but well, everybody were newbies, its nothing new, players should fit into 2238 realm or simply gtfo
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Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2010, 12:24:57 pm »

true enough ;] but well, everybody were newbies, its nothing new, players should fit into 2238 realm or simply gtfo
And how many times i writed bout that :P
I don't even remember how many XD
Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2010, 03:17:18 pm »

you are not a beta tester by joining free beta mmorpg and writing a QQ post about losing items in a sandbox game. there are plenty of non-combat interactions and fallouty-things happening in the world around you, but you'll never get to experience the great fun we have in fonline2238 because you have already quit when the first challenge of the game appeared to you.

GG, i hope to god u are not the same way in real life.
Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2010, 04:01:27 am »

lol WoW..
I've played it, my family play it, it has no PvP value whatsoever, please do not compare games

i read a little bit, saw it was a crying post and gave up when i read the words WoW

<[DoW]Dragon> TTTLA -> Fags that just shoot everyone and say 'SOZ THOUGHT U WAS PK' and keep your loot.
<Tissi> i was walking around with a fucking sledge and bluesuit and they shout " u a pk" and shoot
Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2010, 04:09:01 am »

There is no relevant comparison between FOnline and WoW. You may as well compared FOnline with cats. Or shoes.
Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2010, 09:53:40 am »

Or a game that has sold millions of copies, brought gaming to the spot light, reached the greatest width of audience any game has ever done, makes millions for the game company that created it allowing that company to make other amazing games, has set a high standard for game quality and what one should expect from an mmo, has a very nicely balanced need for all the classes available while keeping them diffrent and lastly has frequent "upgrades" with alot of new material and improvements that keeps the majority of gamers happy.

Yep lets not compare FOnline to that!

Cause I actually like FOnline and appreciate all the effort the Devs/Mods/GMs are putting in this project to bring us this game.

But for God's shake indeed lets not even dare compare it.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 09:57:29 am by Ymeogamaouas »
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Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2010, 10:40:24 am »

enough? fonline is created by people like us, not by guys in some corp. who spend all day on codding and also they do not receive any payment for they work on fonline, FO is fan project so simply do not compare and gtfo

about comparing WoW and FO: if you want run with flea size idiot (what was his name? gnome?) or kill people from "FireLolSword +666" then go somewhere else, ones of FOnline characteristic things is realism, if you are so big pussy to cry about every pk you meet like Xoen about his cow then please, leave this nice game and play somewhere where you meet guys screaming "100k gold nooB plx!"

that all from me, thank you

simply what the fuck...
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 10:45:02 am by Saumax »
Mr. T używa kastetów ponieważ siła uderzenia przeciwnika gołą pięścią jest zbyt duża.
Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2010, 10:47:28 am »

lol WoW..
I've played it, my family play it, it has no PvP value whatsoever, please do not compare games

i read a little bit, saw it was a crying post and gave up when i read the words WoW

i wonder what was your arena rating, you seem to be very expierienced in this area ;D ;D ;D
whats the pvp value in fonline? can you point just a few values?

I would like to now about fonline pvp, because now i can see just 2 or 3 pvp builds and stupid crit based fights
Sometimes I get killed by a occasional snipzor build, standing in the middle of desert - i dont even know someone is there - just got hit in a head uncouncious, another bang and im dead
this is the great value?
Re: FOnline made me hate world PvP
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2010, 10:51:20 am »

enough? fonline is created by people like us, not by guys in some corp. who spend all day on codding and also they do not receive any payment for they work on fonline, FO is fan project so simply do not compare and gtfo

about comparing WoW and FO: if you want run with flea size idiot (what was his name? gnome?) or kill people from "FireLolSword +666" then go somewhere else, ones of FOnline characteristic things is realism, if you are so big pussy to cry about every pk you meet like Xoen about his cow then please, leave this nice game and play somewhere where you meet guys screaming "100k gold nooB plx!"

that all from me, thank you

simply what the fuck...

wow is a lot more then just damn gnomes or swords. it got some pretty good ideas but also some really crap ones.
i dont really get that IM SO PROOO COZ I HATE WOW AND GNOMES attitude

get a fuckin grip ffs

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