I would like to introduce my little base/gang called "Choha" to your village. It's basically just a cave I bought for me back in the days. As it feels pretty lonely and One can help a few newbies, I donate this base to you, as a little "alliance" or so.
Only thing is: you need to make sure of the security for yourself. I won't spawn any mercs/guards there. But as there is a bit of equipment lying around, use it. Sell it, buy some guards. So that the gray rocks have some support/alternative hideout if they don't like dwelling at a farm.
If you want to be part of, you can write me a PM (although I am pretty busy with Real Life stuff don't expect an immediate answer) or you write the user "Jeoshua" as he is also a member I invited to there, he can invite new members if he has the time. If he hasn't the time and I am not around, try to PM some other GM, you have hereby my full support and I ofcourse allow it to use my base, as long as you try to help the really newbies and don't just try to scam them.
Your "leader" (me, I mean the leader of this "gang") will be "Treesnogger", my normal playing character. The base is located slight north of junktown, has excellent, short travelling times to both Junktown/NCR mines and on the respective square on the worldmap only radtoads and Holy people are dwelling. I hope it's usefull for you, as I am planning to make a complete new character up in north, let's see if loners live is so easy there too.
Maybe, later, when I have more time/more nerves to be full part of the game again (my lack of interest to the game has nothing to do with the game, as said, its real life stuff
) that base could be the guardian arm of the village. Or some place to train people. Or some crafting place etc. It's up to your creativity what you do with the donation.
And EDIT again: For some reason I already smell "GM abuse" - I bought this base long ago, the money wasn't spawned, I for myself earned it the normal playing way. (my character is a crafter/"fighter"/miner - crafted [2] Armors and [2] Small Guns to earn this, only character I play). Donated all my Metal Armors I crafted everytime to some random gangs, maybe you recognize the "Metal Lord".
So no, this place is not supported by some GM powers, it's just a normal cave.