1. character name - Steevie
2. character goal - I want to enjoy my gaming experience, not alone, but with other fallout fans.
3. past experience in fonline - played since late 2010
4. crafting abilities - None, sorry. But i do have a crafter alt if interested.
5. tagged skills, and level - BG 200, FA 178, DOC 168, level 24, 285 hp
6. Special - Str. 5 (wpn handling), Pe. 6, En. 10, Ch. 1, Int. 8, Ag. 10, Lk. 1
This is more of a real time build. I am only 18, but i have a lot of Fallout experience. Fo1, Fo2, Fo3, FoT, Fo Brother hood of steel (ps2) Fo Van buren (never released publicly) Fo new vegas. And of course, 2 years of Fonline 2238. I know I'm younger than you'd like, but I think I could be fairly helpful. Pm me if your interested in me joining.