is a good ideea,in my opinion,but
scaveging in RE shoud be awsome,like to find a hidden corpse whit a wepon/armor(low tear of course)and in big places,there many containers,in every game day there shoud spawn in a random containcer in every city a random item,specific the places
Klamath:fruits/fibers/melle wepons,gecko pelts
Den:mousers,10mm pistols and ammo for them
Modoc:Pipe rifles,BB-guns and ammo for it
New Reno:leather jacket,shotguns whit ammo
Gecko:spears,shotguns whit ammo,some resourses
Redding:gold Nuget,rocks,ore and minerals
Broken Hills:ammo and melle wepons,some resourses
NCR:leather armors,atidotes,stims?,flamer and fuel
JunkTown:resourses,shotguns,ammo,leather jacket
HUb:caps?,guns and ammo,probably some books
Necro(land of nowhere):leather armors,spears,
Glow:anti rad stuf,combat shotgun and ammo,plasma pistol,SECs(protected by radiation)
San Fran:laser pistols
Mariposa:miniguns?ammo for them,flamers and fuel
Sierra:laser pistol,rockets,rockeet launcer